Setting the Current Reporting Period
You set the current reporting period used in maintaining project summary amounts in the PA Periods window. You can select any PA period that is later than the current reporting period.
Typically, you set the current reporting period in one of two ways:
- Use the closed PA period before the current open period for new transactions. This method provides a static view of the project summary amounts and gives a historical view through the last period.
- Use the current PA Period open for transactions. This provides a dynamic view of the project summary amounts, because you can update the values for all new transactions entered each day.
Define PA Periods.
To query the current reporting period:
- Navigate to the PA Periods window. Query the PA Period with the Reporting Period box checked. This is the current reporting period.
To change the current reporting period:
1. Navigate to the PA Periods window.
2. Choose the Set Reporting Period button.
3. Accept the default or change the Next Reporting period to another future period.
4. Choose OK. Oracle Projects uses the New Reporting Period you specify for subsequent project summary amount processing and reporting.
Optionally submit the Update Project Summary Amounts process for all projects in your system to update the project summary amounts using the new current reporting period. See: Updating Project Summary Amounts.
See Also
Setting the PA Reporting Period