Creating Project Summary Amounts After Conversion
After you have converted detail transactions from your legacy system to Oracle Projects, you can create project summary amounts using these processes:
Use this process to create the project summary amounts from the detail transactions that you have converted.
Use this process if you are converting large numbers of detail transactions for projects and want to build the summary amounts in smaller processing units. You first run the Refresh Transaction Summary Amounts process to create transaction summary amounts upon which project summary amounts are created. You then run the Update Project Summary Amounts process to create the project summary amounts.
To create project summary amounts after conversion:
1. Navigate to the Submit Request window and choose PRC: Refresh Project Summary Amounts.
2. Enter the project range parameter. You may submit many requests for different project ranges.
To create project summary amounts after conversion by first creating transaction summary amounts from a project's detail transactions:
1. Navigate to the Submit Request window and choose PRC: Refresh Transaction Summary Amounts.
2. Enter the project range, period range, and expenditure type class parameters. You may submit many requests for different project ranges, period ranges, or expenditure type classes.
4. After you have built all the transaction summary amounts, run the PRC: Update Project Summary Amounts process to create the project summary amounts. See: Updating Project Summary Amounts.