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You can adjust project-related documents in Oracle Purchasing, Oracle Payables, and Oracle Projects. You can perform an adjustment under specific conditions; your adjustments have different effects depending on the process flow.

Requisition Adjustments

You can update project information on a requisition. If the requisition is included on a purchase order before you update the project information, the purchase order is not updated with the new project information. If the requisition line is included on a new purchase order after you change the project information, Oracle Purchasing copies the new project information to the new purchase order.

The Account Generator builds a new account number value when you change the project information. The new project information is used in commitment reporting.

Purchase Order Adjustments

You can update project information on a purchase order, even after it is approved and invoiced. If the purchase order is invoiced before you update the project information, the invoice is not updated with the new project information. If the purchase order line is invoiced on a new invoice after you change the project information, Oracle Payables copies the new project information to the new invoice.

The Account Generator builds a new account number when you change the project information. The new project information is used in commitment reporting.

Supplier Invoice Adjustments in Payables

You can perform supplier invoice adjustments in Oracle Payables at any stage in the process flow.

Adjustments to project information of matched invoice

If you have matched an invoice to a purchase order, you cannot directly change any of the project information copied from the purchase order. You may encounter cases in which you want to change the project information; in particular, you may want to change the expenditure item date that was copied from the purchase order, because the expenditure item date on the purchase order was not maintained.

If you want to change the project information in this case, there are two ways of making the change.

You can reverse the matching distribution line from the purchase order in the Distributions Summary window in Oracle Payables, change the purchase order project information in Oracle Purchasing, and match the invoice to the purchase order again.

You can also create two adjusting invoice distributions on the original invoice which net to zero, but have different project information. This is a generally a simpler way to correct the project information. Using either the Invoices Summary or Distribution Summary windows in Oracle Payables, you first enter a negative distribution line with the same project information as on the incorrect invoice distribution line. You then enter a positive distribution line with the correct project information. The two lines that you entered net to zero, but record the correction to the project information, without having to match to the purchase order again.

Adjustments to manually entered, unposted invoices

You can directly change any or all of the project information before an invoice is posted. The Account Generator derives a new account number based on the new project information that you enter.

Adjustments to manually entered, posted invoices

You cannot directly change any project information on a posted invoice. You must reverse the distribution line and create a new distribution line with the new project information using the Distributions Summary window in Oracle Payables.

Interfacing adjusting lines to Oracle Projects

If the original invoice distribution line that was reversed was not yet interfaced to Oracle Projects, the Interface Supplier Invoices from Payables process does not interface the original or reversing items, that are included on the same invoice, to Oracle Projects. These items are marked as net zero adjustment lines that are not to be interfaced to Oracle Projects. The new line with the correct project information is interfaced to Oracle Projects.

If the original invoice distribution line that was reversed was interfaced to Oracle Projects before the adjustment, the Interface Supplier Invoices from Payables process interfaces the reversing and new invoice adjustment lines that you created to correctly maintain project costs in Oracle Projects.

Supplier Invoice Adjustments in Oracle Projects

You perform the following adjustments for supplier invoices in Oracle Projects:

Project users can perform these adjustments in Oracle Projects because the actions do not change the amount of the invoice which is processed in Oracle Payables. These adjustment actions change the project information of the supplier invoice item, which is used in Oracle Projects processing.

After you have made adjustments to supplier invoice items, you must send the adjustment information back to Oracle Payables so the payables distribution lines match what is recorded in Oracle Projects. Oracle Payables will interface adjustments that affect the GL account number to Oracle General Ledger. You run the following processes in Oracle Projects for supplier invoice adjustments:

If you need to change any of the following information for a supplier invoice line, you must perform the adjustment in Oracle Payables, by reversing the line and creating a new line as we discussed in an earlier section.

See Also

Adjustments to Supplier Invoices

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