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Budget Versions and Draft Budget History

A project can have more than one budget. Budget types distinguish the different budgets that you enter for a project. For example, one budget type may identify the approved cost budget and another type may be the forecast cost budget. You must classify every project budget you enter by a budget type.

Oracle Projects maintains detailed budget history by retaining each budget version for each budget type, including summary and detail information.

Each budget has a draft, which is a working area for an in-process budget. The draft will not appear in any project status tracking inquiries or reports. (Note that draft is not a budget type, since any type of budget can have a draft.)

For each budget, you can create and save many budget versions. Each time you baseline a draft, you create a new version. To help identify budget versions, you can give each version a unique name and specify a change reason. You can view summary and detail information for all budget versions.

Each budget version has one of the following classifications:

The Current Budget and latest Original Budget figures are shown in the Project Status windows.

See Also

Defining Budget Types

Entering a Draft

Baselining a Draft

Revising a Baselined Budget

Revising an Original Budget

Reviewing Budget History

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