Budget Versions and Draft Budget History
A project can have more than one budget. Budget types distinguish the different budgets that you enter for a project. For example, one budget type may identify the approved cost budget and another type may be the forecast cost budget. You must classify every project budget you enter by a budget type.
Oracle Projects maintains detailed budget history by retaining each budget version for each budget type, including summary and detail information.
Each budget has a draft, which is a working area for an in-process budget. The draft will not appear in any project status tracking inquiries or reports. (Note that draft is not a budget type, since any type of budget can have a draft.)
For each budget, you can create and save many budget versions. Each time you baseline a draft, you create a new version. To help identify budget versions, you can give each version a unique name and specify a change reason. You can view summary and detail information for all budget versions.
Each budget version has one of the following classifications:
- Original Budget: The first time you baseline a draft, the version is marked as the Original Budget.
- Revised Original Budget: You may need to revise your Original Budget due to budget entry errors or changes in the project scope. When you baseline a draft, you can identify the new baselined version as a Revised Original. In calculations and displays that use the Original Budget, the most recent Revised Original is used (or the Original Budget, if there is no Revised Original).
- Current Budget: The most recent baselined version of the budget is the Current Budget. You can have only one Current Budget for each budget type. Current Budget amounts are shown in the Project Status Inquiry window.
- Historical Baselined Versions: Any baselined budget that is not the Current Budget is considered an historical version of the budget.
The Current Budget and latest Original Budget figures are shown in the Project Status windows.
See Also
Defining Budget Types
Entering a Draft
Baselining a Draft
Revising a Baselined Budget
Revising an Original Budget
Reviewing Budget History