Entering Budget Lines for Period-Phased Budgets
If you are entering a budget that is period-phased (time-phased by PA period or GL period), the matrix entry Budget Lines window will be displayed for budget lines entry. The matrix entry window opens automatically when you navigate to the Budget Lines window for a period-phased budget.
Using the matrix entry window, you enter budgeted amounts for an amount type and a period. The amount type is either quantity, raw cost, burdened cost, or revenue.
Each line in the matrix displays amounts for a resource and an amount type. You select the resource and the amount type for a given budget line. You then enter the amounts for the period range specified.
The Earliest Budget Period and Latest Budget Period fields display the earliest and latest period for which budget amounts have been entered. You control which periods to display by specifying the First Budget Period.
To enter budget lines in the matrix entry Budget Lines window:
1. Enter the First Budget Period (either PA or GL period, depending on the budget entry method of the budget version). The period you select will be the earliest period, displayed in the window.
Use the left and right arrow buttons to change the periods displayed in the window. When you choose an arrow, the periods will shift forward or backward by one full screen (the number of periods displayed in the window).
2. Enter the resource you want to budget.
3. Select the amount type.
You control the amount types that you can select by your selection in the View Lines For field in the upper region of the window. If the View Lines For is set to All, you can select any amount type allowed by the budget entry method and budget type. If View Lines For specifies an amount type, then you can only enter budget lines for the amount type specified.
Following are the selections displayed for the View Lines for field:
- Unit of Measure (UOM) the resource, if the resource has a UOM
- Raw Cost (for cost budgets, if raw cost entry is allowed by the budget entry method)
- Burdened Cost (for cost budgets, if burdened cost entry is allowed by the budget entry method)
- Revenue (for revenue budgets, if revenue entry is allowed by the budget entry method)
4. Enter the budget amounts for the resource, amount type, and periods displayed.
Amount Type Lines Automatically Created:
In the matrix entry Budget Lines window, when you create a budget line for one amount type, Oracle Projects will create budget lines for other amount types. The other amount types will be the amount types that are enterable fields for the budget entry method being used. (See: Budget Entry Methods.)
For example, if you enter an amount for Miles (amount type) for Auto Use (resource), lines will also be created for the amount types Raw Cost and Burdened Cost for the same resource, if the budget entry method in use for the budget includes raw cost and burdened cost as enterable fields.
You can view all the lines by selecting All in the View Lines For field.
5. If you want to enter a change reason, comment, or descriptive flexfield for the resource and time period, navigate to the overflow region. You navigate to the overflow region by using the tab key or by clicking the mouse, depending on the setting of the profile option PA: Tab to Budget Matrix Comments Fields. See: PA: Tab to Budget Matrix Comments Fields.
The overflow region displays the resource and period for which you are currently entering or viewing the change reason, comment, and descriptive flexfield.
The overflow region fields apply to a resource and time period, and are shared across amount types. For example, if you enter a change reason for the labor resource for raw cost for January, the same change reason applies for the labor resource for hours for January.
6. Enter more resources for the same periods or shift the periods displayed for entry by entering a new First Budget Period or by using the Period arrows.
To view calculated budget amounts:
If you are using budget calculation extensions to calculate raw costs, burdened costs, or revenue amounts based on the quantity or raw cost that you enter, you will be able to see the calculated amounts when you re-query the field. To re-query, click in the field whose value you want to see.
If you are calculating amounts for which you are not allowed to enter values as defined in the budget entry method, then you cannot see the budgeted amounts in the matrix entry form.
See Also
Calculating Budget Amounts
Budget Calculation Extensions
To review the budget amounts:
Use the View Lines For field to select which budget lines of a given amount type you want to review. The default selection is All. You can select from any of the following amount types that are allowed by your budget entry method and budget type class (cost or revenue).
- Labor Hours (resources that are tracked as labor hours)
- Quantity (all quantities regardless of unit of measure)
For example, you may want to view only budget lines for Raw Cost. If, in addition, you select Raw Cost in the View Totals For field, you can review budget amounts that comprise the displayed budget totals.
To review the budget totals:
Use the View Totals For field to select the amount type you want to display in the Total fields. You can select from any of the following amount types that are allowed by your budget entry method and budget type class (cost or revenue).
You can review the resource totals for a range of periods by changing the Periods for Totals. These totals are displayed down the right hand side of the window under Period Totals. After you change the Periods for Totals, the totals are redisplayed when you navigate to the lines region.