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Copying Budgets from a Project Template or Existing Project

When you copy a project template or project, the budgets from the source template or source project are automatically copied to the new project.

Oracle Projects creates a draft budget using the current budget of the source template or source project. If the source template or source project does not have a current budget, then Oracle Projects uses the draft.

The new project has a draft for each budget type entered for the source template or source project. After you copy the project, you can modify the budget amounts if necessary.

If the project template has baselined budgets, the budgets for the new project will be created as baselined. However, if the project template has a baselined revenue budget but no baselined cost budget, and the new project has a revenue distribution rule of Cost, then the revenue budget for the new project will be a draft budget, not a baselined budget.

Copying Project Actuals to the Budget of a New Project

When a new project will have a budget identical or similar to the actual amounts on an existing project, you can easily copy the actuals on the existing project to the new project budget as you create the new project.

   To copy actuals to a new project budget

Copying Dates or Periods for Time-Phased Budgets

When copying time-phased budgets from a project or project template, Oracle Projects adjusts the dates or periods of the budget lines based on the new dates that you specify in Project Quick Entry, according to the following rules:

Case 1: The original project or project template has no start date:

Case 2: The original project or project template has a start date, but no start date was entered in Project Quick Entry:

Case 3: The original project or project template has a start date and a start date was entered in Project Quick Entry. Budget entry method is by GL or PA period:

If the source template or project uses budget periods, the new project will use budget periods, also. The budget periods are based on the PA or GL period of the new project's project and task start dates. For example:

Note: The copy process assumes all periods are equal in length. If your periods are not uniform length, you may get unacceptable results and you will have to update the budget manually.

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