Use the Event windows to enter and review events for a project or top task. Examples of events include an invoice reduction, a performance bonus, or a revenue write-off. You can also change the bill hold status of an event using these windows.
There are two Event Window modes:
- Project. The Project mode Event Windows allow you to enter and view events for a single project only. You must enter a project number or name in the Find Project Events window before you can execute the query. If project security has been implemented, you can only select projects that you are allowed to see.
- All. The All mode Event Windows allow you to enter and view events across projects. You are not required to enter a project number or name in the Find Events window. You can structure your query to retrieve information across projects.
The mode in which you access the Event Window is determined by your user responsibility, as set up by your System Administrator. Under the Project Billing Super User and Project Costing Super User responsibilities, which are supplied by Oracle Projects, you have access to both modes.
To Review or Enter Events:
1. Navigate to the Find Events window (Billing > Events).
2. From the Event Summary window, choose:
- Revenue to view event revenue distribution lines information.
- Totals to view the total bill amount and total revenue amount for the events displayed based on your search criteria.
- Open to view all of the event information for a single event in one window. See: Event Details Window.
See Also
Event Types.
Event Summary Window Reference.
Event Details Window.
Event Revenue Distribution Lines Window.
Function Security for Event Windows.