Funding a Project
You can allocate an agreement's funds to a project or top-level task. You can divide these funds among several projects or tasks. In addition to allocating funds, you can reverse agreement funding from a project or task, up to the amount accrued or invoiced.
Note: You cannot fund at the task-level for multiple-customer projects.
You can also view the funding line's baseline status for this project or task.
Note: Only baselined funding is used for revenue or invoice generation.
To fund a project:
1. Navigate to the Agreement form and query the agreement you want.
2. Choose the Funding button.
3. In the Fund Projects window, enter the number of the project you want to fund with this agreement. You can choose any active project that has been entered for this agreement's customer.
4. Enter the number of the top-level task you want to fund with this agreement. If you do not want to restrict funding for a particular task, leave this field blank.
5. Enter the Amount you want to allocate to this project or task.
6. Enter a Date to record when you allocated agreement funds to this project or task.
To review project funding information:
To reverse funds from a project:
- Enter a negative amount if you want to reverse funds from a project or task and allocate the funds elsewhere, or to leave the funds available for future funding. You can decrease the funding amount up to the amount already accrued or invoiced for the project or task.
See Also
Fund at the Project Level
Fund at the Task Level
Project Funding Inquiry Window Reference