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Oracle Projects next creates invoice items for billing events, revenue events, and for expenditure items. When Oracle Projects creates invoice items, it also searches for available funding for each invoice item.
Oracle Projects also calculates the bill amounts of each expenditure item, based on the revenue distribution rule associated with a particular project. See: Accruing Revenue for a Project.
When you generate invoices, you can specify a Bill Through Date, which is the date through which you want Oracle Projects to process all eligible expenditure items and events. Oracle Projects creates an invoice using expenditure items and events dated on or before the bill through date you specify.
Suggestion: You should run Generate Draft Invoice on a specified processing cycle (for example, weekly) to generate invoices for projects whose billing cycles are due across the entire company. You can also run the process on demand to process off schedule invoices.
Use the rescheduling parameters to configure the Generate Draft Invoice process to run automatically, according to a defined schedule.
Invoice Flow Detail and Summary Reports
Attention: For projects that use work billing on their revenue distribution rule (such as T & M), you must generate draft revenue before you can generate an invoice.
Tasks: To be billed on an invoice, a project's top tasks must have a ready to bill status. This is done automatically when you create a project, but you may choose to change the top task bill status to Not Ready to Bill in the Control Billing by Top Task window. A project's lowest tasks must be billable. You specify billability in the Task Details window.
Expenditure Items: To be included on an invoice, an expenditure item must meet the following criteria:
Note: An automatic event created by billing extensions after an adjustment must include the number of the original event. Without this information, Oracle Receivables cannot autoinvoice the automatic event. If Oracle Projects does not find this value during the invoice generation process, it will display the following message to the log file: "Cannot find a proper inv line credited for this adjusted event." See: Inserting Events.
Billing Extensions: For each project selected, Oracle Projects then selects expenditure items and events that are eligible for invoice generation based on the criteria that you define in your billing extensions. If you define transaction independent billing extensions, Oracle Projects executes these extensions for each project with an active billing assignment, even if there are no transactions to process. See also: Billing Extensions.
When you generate an invoice, Oracle Projects determines which customer agreement an event or invoice item should be billed against.
Each time Oracle Projects finds available funding for an expenditure item or an event, it creates an invoice item and updates the funding amount billed on that agreement.
Billing Events: Billing events are events for which there is no associated revenue. Because billing events have not accrued revenue against an agreement, they can be billed against any agreement having sufficient funding to cover the entire amount of the event.
When processing a Scheduled Payment event, Oracle Projects marks expenditure items as billed using the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method based on the expenditure item date. The FIFO marked items of an event may not total to the exact amount of the event; the total item amount is an estimation of the total work performed which backups the scheduled payment amount for internal reporting.
Write-On Events: Write-on events are events that have accrued revenue against an agreement, or have been previously billed and cancelled against an agreement. They must be billed to that same agreement. Revenue events typically have an event classification of Write-On.
Expenditure Items: Since expenditure items have already accrued revenue against an agreement, they must bill against that same agreement. Oracle Projects selects all of the eligible items, groups and summarizes them according to their project's invoice format, and bills them up to the limit of the available funding.
Invoice Set: For each given run of invoice generation for a project, if multiple customer agreements exist, Oracle Projects creates multiple invoices within a unique invoice set. You must approve, release, and cancel all invoices within an invoice set together by performing an action on a single invoice within the invoice set.
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