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Overview of Labor Costing

When you enter timecards in Oracle Projects, you charge the total hours an employee worked to the project(s) on which the employee worked.

When an employee works overtime, in addition to charging the total hours an employee worked to the project(s) on which the employee worked, you calculate and charge the overtime hours and costs. Therefore, the employee's pay includes two components:

Straight time cost

Straight time cost is the dollar amount that an employee is normally paid for straight time (or regular) hours worked. Oracle Projects calculates straight time cost using an employee's hourly labor cost rate:

(Hours Worked x Hourly Labor Cost Rate)

You charge an employee's straight time hours to the project(s) on which the employee worked.

Overtime cost

Overtime cost, also referred to as premium cost, is the extra dollar amount that an employee is paid for overtime hours worked. Oracle Projects calculates overtime cost using a labor cost multiplier that corresponds to the kind of overtime worked:

(Hours Worked x Hourly Labor Cost Rate x Labor Cost Multiplier)

You can charge an employee's overtime hours to the indirect project that collects all overtime costs or to the project on which the employee worked.

Costing straight time and overtime hours

You charge the total hours an employee works to the project(s) on which that employee worked regardless of overtime hours. Additionally, you charge a project in which you collect overtime to calculate and track the overtime cost.

For example, if Don Gray worked 10 hours of overtime (Time and Half) on a bid and proposal project for Fremont Corporation, you charge 10 hours to the bid and proposal project (total hours worked), and 10 hours to the project on which you collect overtime (total overtime premium hours worked). In this case, the project on which you collect overtime is an to an indirect project. Oracle Projects calculates the cost of Gray's time using the following information:

Thus, Gray is paid $600 for the 10 hours he worked. Table 1 - 93 illustrates how Oracle Projects calculates this total:

Type of Cost Project Hours Cost
Straight Time B&P 10 $400.00 (10 Hours x $40.00)
Overtime OT 10 $200.00 (10 Hours x $40.00 x .05)
Total 10 $600.00

There are few things to note about straight time and overtime:

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