Submitting a Streamline Request
The Submit Streamline Processes process submits and monitors a series of other processes that must be run sequentially to complete a function. For example, in order to interface labor costs between Oracle Projects and Oracle General Ledger, a user must submit three separate processes: Interface Labor Costs to General Ledger, Oracle General Ledger's Journal Import, and Tieback Labor Costs from General Ledger. By using the PRC: Submit Streamline Processes process, a user avoids having to run and track the status of these processes individually. Instead, the user submits one Streamline process for the option 'Interface Labor Costs to GL'; this process then submits and monitors the progress of each separate process in sequence. When all processes required to complete a function are finished, the Submit Streamline Processes process itself finishes.
Oracle Projects provides two types of streamline processes:
- Interface Streamline Processes which combine distribute, interface, and tieback cost, invoice or revenue processes between Oracle Projects and other Oracle applications.
- Project Streamline Processes which combine distribute processes for labor, usage, and supplier invoice adjustments, generate revenue, and generate invoice processes for a single project. Generally, you submit a project streamline request after you make expenditure or invoice adjustments.
To submit a streamline request:
1. Navigate to the Submit Request window.
2. Choose either PRC: Submit Interface Streamline Processes or PRC: Submit Project Streamline Processes from the request Name list of values.
3. Choose the Streamline Option(s) you want to submit.
Attention: You must use the same report mode, either summarized or detailed, to interface expense report costs to Oracle Payables and to tieback the same expense reports. See: Interface Expense Reports to Oracle Payables.
4. Enter the Reschedule Interval, Reschedule Time of Day, and Stop Rescheduling Date.
5. Choose whether you want to Adjust Dates.
6. Choose Submit. Oracle Projects submits your streamline request.
Report Output
There is one output report that shows you the results of the Submit Streamline Processes process:
- The Streamline Processing Report. Lists the name, the concurrent request ID, and the completion status of each child process monitored by the Submit Streamline Processes process.
Cancelling Requests
To cancel a concurrent request:
- In the Concurrent Requests Summary, query the concurrent request number for your request. Select your request. Choose Cancel Request. See also: Cancelling Requests.
Monitoring Requests
To monitor status of a concurrent request:
- You can view the status of your request in the Requests window by choosing View My Requests from the Help Menu. See Also: Monitoring Requests.
Debug Mode
You can run Oracle Projects processes and some reports in debug mode. Debug mode provides more details in the log file for debugging purposes, and creates a trace file for performance analysis.
To run a process or report in debug mode:
Set the profile option PA: Debug Mode to yes, and submit the process or report.
See Also
Defining Request Sets
Submitting a Request
Submitting a Request Set