Defining Resource Lists
You can define a new resource list by either entering the list or copying a list from an existing one.
Note: Oracle Projects plans to deliver APIs to maintain resources in a resource list with the production release of Oracle Projects. This will simplify the creation and maintenance of resource lists.
To define a new resource list:
1. Navigate to the Resource Lists form.
2. Enter the resource list name and choose how you want to group the resource list.
3. If you choose to group the resource list by expenditure category or revenue category, you enter the resource groups. Select the resource group, and override the alias and order if necessary. Then enter the resources for the group. See: Resource Lists Window Reference.
If you decide not to use grouping for the resource list, you enter the resources; you do not need to enter resource groups.
4. In the Resources region, select the resource type and resource, and override the alias and order, as necessary.
6. Continue to enter all the resource groups and/or resources for your resource list.
To create a new resource list by copying from an existing list:
1. Navigate to the Resource Lists form.
2. Enter the resource list name and select how you want to group the resource list.
3. Choose Copy From and enter the resource list that you want to copy.
4. Choose OK. Oracle Projects automatically displays the new resource groups and resources.
5. Edit the resource list, as necessary.
To add a resource to an existing resource list:
1. Navigate to the Resource Lists form.
2. Find the resource list that you want to change and add the resource.
To remove a resource from a resource list:
1. Navigate to the Resource Lists form.
2. Find the resource list that you want to remove. You can delete a resource from a resource list only if you have yet not used the resource.
If you have already used the resource for budgeting or to create summary amounts, you cannot delete the resource. However, you can disable the resource for future use in budgeting and summary amounts by unchecking the Enabled box.
Note: You should also consider if you need to update project summary amounts after changing a resource list that was previously used for summarization. See: Updating Project Summary Amounts.
See Also
Changing the Resource List after the Resource List is Used in Summarization
Overview of Resources and Resource Lists
Case Study: Summary Amounts for Reporting