Tieback Invoices from Receivables
This process determines the status of draft invoices interfaced to Oracle Receivables. If invoices are successfully processed through Oracle Receivables AutoInvoice process, this tieback process updates the invoice interface status to Accepted. If Oracle Receivables AutoInvoice process rejects draft invoices, the tieback process deletes all rejected rows from the interface tables and updates the invoice status to Rejected. Rejected invoices are corrected and retransferred.
Process Submission
From the Submit Request window, you can submit the PRC: Tieback Invoices from Account Receivables process either by itself, or as part of one of the Interface to AR Streamline options of the PRC: Submit Interface Streamline Processes process. See: Submitting Requests.
Output Reports
Two output reports show you the results of this process:
- The Accounts Receivable Tieback Report (Successful Invoice Transfers). Lists each draft invoice that was successfully processed by the AutoInvoice process. For each draft invoice, the report displays the project number and the draft invoice number, the customer number, name, and agreement funding the invoice, the date that the draft invoice was interfaced to Oracle Receivables, and the AR invoice number of the invoice.
- The Accounts Receivable Tieback Report (Rejected Invoice Transfers). Lists any draft invoices that were rejected by Oracle Receivables' AutoInvoice process. For each rejected draft invoice, this report lists the rejection reason given by AutoInvoice.