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Viewing Rejected Transactions

Transaction records that fail the validation process remain in the interface table.

If any one expenditure item in an expenditure fails validation, Oracle Projects rejects the entire expenditure and updates each expenditure item in the expenditure with a status of R (Rejected). However, only the expenditure item that was rejected appears on the exception report. Other expenditure items attached to the expenditure being rejected do not appear on the report. Also, the report specifies rejection reasons only for transactions with invalid data. The rest of the expenditures within the batch interface to Oracle Projects. Figure 1 - 16 demonstrates these concepts.

There are three methods you can use to view rejected transactions:

   To view rejected transactions:

Correcting Rejected Transactions within Oracle Projects

If you need to make changes to the source information because of invalid data, you need to delete the rejected rows from the interface table, correct the rejected transactions in the feeder system, and reload them from the feeder system. You can also correct the transaction in the interface table using the Review Transactions window. Oracle Projects automatically updates the status of corrected items and all other transactions in the same expenditure to P (Pending).

The original and updated values for corrected transactions are stored in the audit table PA_TXN_INTERFACE_AUDIT_ALL.

   To correct and resubmit rejected transactions:

You can also use the Review Transactions window to create one or more new transactions without loading them from the feeder system. This window was designed to expedite minor additions to expenditure batches, primarily for testing purposes.

   To create new transactions:

Correcting Rejected Transactions Using SQL*Plus

You can alternately update the rejected transactions in the interface table using SQL*Plus. Then update the TRANSACTION_ STATUS_CODE column to set the value to P so Transaction Import selects the items the next time you run it. When you resubmit updated transactions for processing, all validation is performed again.

Example of Steps You Take to Fix a Rejected Transaction

Let's walk through an example of the steps you take to correct a rejected transaction using the rejected transaction in Figure 1 - 16 as our sample data.

The validation process rejected Transaction 1 because the project you are charging is invalid. Using SQL*Plus, you update the project number of the transaction to a valid project number.

Now that you have corrected the rejected expenditure item, and the status of all expenditure items within the rejected expenditure is updated, you can run Transaction Import to successfully import the updated transactions.

Auditing Updates in the Interface Table

You can update rejected and pending transactions in the interface table using the Review Transactions window or SQL*Plus. Whenever you update a transaction, the original and revised transactions are stored in the PA_TXN_INTERFACE_AUDIT_ALL table. Each transaction is uniquely identified by:

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