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Writing the Budget Verification Extension

Oracle Projects provides a template package that contains the procedures that you modify to control the rules for baselining a budget.

The name of the package is PA_Client_Extn_Budget. The name of the procedure is verify_budget_rules.

Print out and review the following files before you begin writing budget calculation extensions. These files are located in the Oracle Projects admin/sql directory.

PAXBCECB.pls Budget Calculation Extension Package Body Template. This file contains the budget calculations procedures, and also the procedure that you modify to implement budget verification extensions. You can define as many procedures as you want within this package or within the predefined procedure.
PAXBCECS.pls Budget Calculation Extension Package Specification Template. If you create procedures outside the predefined procedure within the PA_Client_Extn_Budget package, you must also modify this file to include those new procedures.

Warning: Do not change the name of the budget calculation extension procedure. In addition, do not change the parameter names, parameter types, or parameter order in your procedure.

Suggestion: After you write the procedure, do not forget to compile it and store it in the database. See: Writing PL/SQL Procedures.

We recommend that you keep the following documentation on hand as reference material while defining procedures: the PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference Manual and the Oracle Projects Technical Reference Manual.



You can use this procedure to build additional validations that Oracle Projects checks whenever a budget is submitted or baselined. The parameter p_event passes a value of either SUBMIT or BASELINE, to indicate the desired status of the budget being tested.

Table 1 - 128 lists the parameters that Oracle Projects provides for the verify budget rules procedure.

Parameter Usage Type Description
p_draft_version_id IN NUMBER The identifier of the draft version.
p_mark_as_original IN VARCHAR2 Identifies the Mark as Original request.
p_event IN VARCHAR2 Identifies the requested status of the budget. Value is either SUBMIT or BASELINE.
p_project_id IN NUMBER The identifier of the project.
p_budget_type_code IN VARCHAR2 The budge type code.
p_resource_list_id IN NUMBER The identifier of the resource list for the budget.
p_project_type_class_ code IN VARCHAR2 The project type class code of the budget's project.
p_created_by IN NUMBER The identifier of the person who created the budget.
p_calling_module IN VARCHAR2 The module that called the extension.
p_warnings_only_flag OUT VARCHAR2 Indicates the level of errors the procedure generated.
Y indicates that only warnings were generated.
N indicates that one or more errors were generated.
p_err_msg_count OUT NUMBER The number of warnings and errors that the procedure generated.
p_error_code OUT NUMBER Error handling code.
p_err_stage IN OUT VARCHAR2 Error handling stage.
p_err_stack IN OUT VARCHAR2 Error handling stack.

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