Defining an Element or Distribution Set
In the Element and Distribution Set window, you can select element classifications or individual elements to define a set. There are three types of set:
- Customization set: You can use a Customization set to restrict the elements that can be entered or viewed on a customized version of the Element Entries window.
- Run set: Oracle Payroll users can use a Run set to specify the elements to be processed in a payroll run.
- Distribution set: Oracle Payroll users can use a Distribution set to define the elements over which the costs of other elements are to be distributed.
To define an element or distribution set:
1. Enter a unique name for the set and select the Type: Distribution, Run, or Customization. Save your new set.
2. If you want to include all elements in a classification, choose the Classification Rules button.
- In the Classification Rules window, select one or more classifications to include. Save the set and close this window.
The elements in the classifications you choose are now listed in the Elements region.
- If you want to exclude individual elements, place your cursor in the element's row and choose the Exclude Element button.
3. If you want to include particular elements from other classifications, choose the Include Element button.
- In the Elements window, select the element you want to include and choose the OK button.
Note: After you include a particular element, you cannot go to the Classification Rules window and include the classification to which this element belongs.
5. If you want to see a list of the individual elements you have included or excluded from the set, choose the Element Rules button. The Element Rules window is view-only.
See Also
Defining Customized Forms