Defining an Element's Input Values
You can define up to 15 input values for an element, using the Input Values window.
To define input values:
1. Set your effective date early enough to handle any historical element entries you want to make.
2. Enter or query the element in the Element window and choose the Input Values button.
4. Select the unit type of your input value (money, hours, character, date, number, or time). A Pay Value must have the unit type Money if the element is in a payments type classification.
5. You can use the Sequence field to change the order in which the input values appear in the Element Entries window.
6. Check the Required check box if all entries of the element must have a value for this input.
7. Check the User Enterable check box if users can enter a value for this input. Uncheck it if you want to ensure that the default value is entered for all employees.
Database Items are simple identifiers that the system uses to find specific items of information in the human resources database.
Default Values
1. Enter the value in the Default field.
2. If you want existing entries to be updated whenever the default is changed, check the Hot Default check box. The input value must be required if you want to use this option.
A hot default appears in the Element Entries window in quotation marks. If the user overrides the default, subsequent changes to the default will not affect the entry.
To enter validation for an input value:
1. Do one of the following:
- Enter maximum and minimum values for the input.
2. Select Warning or Error to determine whether the system warns users that an entry is invalid or prevents them from saving an invalid entry. You cannot select a value if you chose a Lookup because a user cannot enter an invalid value for an input value validated by lookup.
See Also
Element Input Values