Entering Payment Methods for an Employee Assignment
For each employee assignment, you can enter one or more payment methods, selecting from the list of valid methods for the employee's payroll.
If you enter multiple methods (for example because the employee is paid from more than one source account), you can enter the proportion of pay for each method and its processing priority. An assignment can have two instances of the same payment method, for example if salary is divided between two bank accounts.
Employees with no personal payment method on record receive pay by the default payment method of their payrolls.
You enter payment methods for employee assignments in the Personal Payment Method window. You can also use this window to enter the payee for third party payments.
Define all the payment methods available in your Business Group using the Organizational Payment Method window.
Select at least one valid payment method for each payroll you define in the Payroll window.
Assign the employee to a payroll.
For third party payment methods, define the payee in the Organization window (using the classification Payee Organization) or the Contact window (using the relationship Payments Recipient).
To enter a personal payment method for remuneration:
1. Set your effective date to the date on which to begin paying the employee by this method.
2. In the Name field, select a payment method.
3. Enter a number in the Priority field to determine the order for Oracle Payroll to use each payment method. It uses the method with the lowest number first.
4. Enter either the amount or percentage of the assignment's pay to be paid by this method.
If the total of the amounts you allocate to payment methods is less than the amount to be paid, Oracle Payroll uses the payment method with the highest priority number to pay the excess.
1. Set your effective date to the date on which to begin making payments using this method.
2. In the Name field, select a third party payment method.
Third party payment methods automatically receive priority 1 (the highest priority) and you cannot change this. You cannot split a third party payment between different payment methods; the Percentage field always displays 100%.
3. In the Payee region, select an organization or a person.
You can select this third party payment method in the Payee Details entry value when you enter a deduction to be paid as a third party payment.