Entering Elements
You enter compensation and benefits for employee assignments in the Element Entries window. If the employee is assigned to a salary basis, you enter his or her salary in the Salary Administration window.
You can use the Element Entries window to make entries or to inquire on existing entries. Use the Period field, Classification field, and Processing Types option buttons to restrict the entries you see when making inquiries.
The Processed check box displays whether Oracle Payroll has processed the entry in the current pay period.
To enter an element for an employee assignment:
1. Change your effective date if necessary to:
- the correct start date for a recurring element entry
- any date in the correct pay period for a nonrecurring element entry
If the pay period is closed at your effective date, you cannot enter any nonrecurring elements that process in a payroll run. If a current or future pay period is closed, you cannot enter any recurring elements that process in a payroll run.
2. If you want to reduce the list of elements to choose from, select a Classification or a Processing Type, or both, in the first region.
3. In the Element Name field, select an element.
The system checks whether the employee meets the element's qualifying conditions. If the employee is either not old enough or has not served for the required qualifying period, it displays a warning message.
Note: Entries for elements defined with a standard link appear automatically.
An Additional entry is valid only for the current pay period, shown in the Effective Dates fields.
You can only check Additional if:
- the element definition allows additional entries, and
- an additional entry does not already exist for the assignment in this period, and
- the employee is assigned to a payroll
- there is a payroll period defined at your effective date
9. Enter values in the Entry Values fields. Notice that:
- Entry to some fields may not be permitted.
- Some fields may be required.
- Some fields may have a list of values; others may be validated as you leave the field. You will receive a message if your entry is not a valid value.
Attention: You should consider carefully before overriding a hot default. If you override it, then any subsequent changes to the default value on the element or element link definition will not affect the element entry. However, you can clear your entry if you want the default value to come back into effect.
Oracle Payroll users can adjust the Pay Value of any normal recurring payroll element entry. When you open the Entry Values window for an entry of this kind, you will see a Show Adjustment check box in the lower left corner of the window.
You cannot adjust an entry that has been overridden.
Note: You do not see this check box until you have saved the entry.
To adjust a Pay Value:
1. Check the Show Adjustment check box.
2. In the Adjustment pop list, select Add, Subtract, or Replace. You can only select Add or Subtract if the Pay Value is numeric.
3. Enter the value to add to, subtract from, or replace the existing Pay Value entry.
See Also
Automatic or Manual Element Entry
Customizing the Element Entries Window
MIX for Batch Entry