Defining a Pay Scale
You define a pay scale, which is a set of progression points for compensation, in the Pay Scale window.
To define a pay scale:
1. Enter a unique name for the pay scale.
2. Enter the Increment Frequency for this pay scale. For example, if you want to increment the placement of assignments on the pay scale once each year, enter 1 in the Number field and select Year in the Per Period field.
Note: These values provide information only. You can use the Submit Requests window to set up automatic regular incrementing of grade step placements by the Increment Progression Points process.
The Automatic Increment field shows the date of the last automatic increment.
4. Enter the names of the points (or steps) of the scale. The Point names can be numeric or alphanumeric. Enter them in ascending order.
5. Enter a sequence number, in ascending order, for each point. The sequence determines the progression order for the incrementing process. Then save the scale again.
Suggestion: Enter sequence numbers in multiples of 5 or 10, for example 5, 10, 15, 20. This makes it easier to enter new points between existing points in the sequence if you need to in the future.