Relating Grades to Progression Points
A pay scale defines a complete set of progression points. You can associate a subset of these points with each grade.
The group of points valid for a grade is called a grade scale. Each point in the grade scale is called a step because it represents the steps for incrementing an employee's pay. The steps must follow the sequence of points on the pay scale but they can jump several points, if appropriate to the specific grade.
You define grade scales in the Grade Scale window. The scales are datetracked.
To create a grade scale:
1. Set your effective date early enough to handle any historical information you want to enter.
2. Select a grade, and select the pay scale from which you want to choose progression points.
3. Select the highest point (or ceiling) to which employees on this grade can be automatically incremented by the Increment Progression Points process. Save the grade scale.
You can override this ceiling for individual employee assignments.
4. In the Grade Steps block, select the points you want to include on this grade scale.
When you save, the system sorts the points into ascending order by their sequence numbers (defined in the Pay Scale window).