Defining Calendars
You can define calendars for human resource budgets in the Budgetary Calendar window.
To define a budgetary calendar:
1. Enter the name, and start date for your calendar.
Check that the start date year is early enough to cope with your historic data. Once you define the calendar, you cannot change the start date.
2. Select a period type. If you select Semi-monthly, enter a value between 1 and 28 in the Midpoint Offset field to determine the start date of the second time period each month. For example, if you enter the value 15, the second time period each month begins on the 16th.
The system automatically creates the time period details. You can alter the default names for each time period.
4. If you want to add years to, or delete years from, the end of the calendar, choose the Change Calendar button.
5. When you have defined your calendars, you are ready to define your budgets.
See Also
Defining Human Resource Budgets