Identifying Your Source Positions
After describing your mass move, you must identify source position(s) to be moved.
To identify your source positions:
1. In the Mass Move window, choose the Positions button.
2. In the resulting Find Positions window, select source job(s) and the source position(s) associated with those job(s).
You can select from a list of existing job(s) and position(s) in the source organization, or you can use generic search criteria (wildcards) to identify a pool of source jobs and source positions from which you will select your source positions in Step 3.
3. Choose the Find button.
When the Mass Move - Positions window is populated with information, the source and target organizations you defined in the Mass Move window appear in display fields.
4. If you used search criteria to identify a pool of source jobs and positions, make sure that the list includes all of the source jobs and positions you want to include in this mass move.
Attention: If you want to add source jobs or positions to this list, you must delete this mass move and define a new mass move; source job(s) and position(s) cannot be added to this list.
5. In the move check boxes, check each of the source positions you want to move.
Assignments associated with unchecked source positions will not be affected by the mass move in any way.
6. If you want to deactivate any source position on the effective date for the mass move, check the Deactivate Old Position check box when that position is selected.
Selected: Deactivating a source position does not delete it from the HRMS database, but enters the mass move effective date as the end date for the position.
Unselected: Leaving this check box unchecked allows assignments to be assigned to this source position after the effective date of the mass move, even though the source position may have no assignments immediately following the mass move.
Attention: Unchecking the Move check box for a record restores the original values for that record.
See Also
Identifying Your Target Positions
Defining Positions
Managing Your Mass Move Collection