Verifying Transferring Assignments for Each Source Position
The content of the Mass Move - Assignments window depends on the source position you last selected in the Mass Move - Positions window. The Mass Move - Assignments window displays that selected source position, and its corresponding source organization and source job. It also displays the target position you have entered for this selected source position, and the target organization and job associated with this target position.
All of the (applicant as well as employee) assignments associated with the source position you selected in the Mass Move - Positions window are also displayed.
As the Move check boxes show, by default all assignments associated with this source position are selected to move to the target position. The Mass Move - Assignments window allows you to verify these assignments, indicate which ones, if any, will not be moving to the target position, and change the grade, location and standard conditions for any of the assignments to be moved.
To verify transferring assignments for each source position:
1. If you want to prevent any of these assignments from moving to the target position, uncheck the appropriate Move check boxes.
2. If you want to change the grade for any transferring assignment, select the assignment, and then select another grade for that assignment.
3. If you want to copy location and standard conditions for a transferring assignment from an entity other than the current assignment (default), select the assignment, and then select the new location and standard conditions for that assignment. The options follow:
Current Assignment: Indicates that the transferring assignment will maintain its current location and standard conditions when the mass move takes effect.
Source Position: Indicates that the location and standard conditions of the source position will be applied to the transferring assignment when the mass move takes effect.
Target Organization: Indicates that the location and standard conditions of the target organization will be applied to the transferring assignment when the mass move takes effect.
Business Group: Indicates that the location and standard conditions of the Business Group will be applied to the transferring assignment when the mass move takes effect.
Attention: Unchecking the Move check box for a record restores the original values for that record.
4. To save your work and then return to the Mass Move - Positions window, close the Mass Move - Assignment window.
When the Mass Move - Positions window reappears, you can repeat the above steps for any other source positions whose transferring assignments you choose to verify. Otherwise, you are ready to verify or add valid grades for any target(s) jobs/positions.
See Also
Verifying or Adding Valid Grades for Each Target Position
Executing the Mass Move
Entering a New Assignment
Site Locations