Creating and Updating Batches of Element Entries
You can enter batches of element entries in the Batch Header and Batch Lines windows.
You can create additional validation procedures for checking the batch header and lines, and for validating the batch against control totals.
If you want to use control totals to validate the batch, enter values for the QuickCode Type CONTROL_TYPE.
Entering a Batch Header
The header identifies the batch and determines what happens if any of the batch lines duplicate existing element entries.
To enter a batch header and control totals:
1. Set your effective date to the date when you want the entries to take effect.
2. Enter a name for the batch, and enter a reference number and the source of the batch, if you require these for your own reference.
3. Select what action the process should take if one of the batch lines matches an existing element entry for an assignment at the effective date.
- Create New Entry - The process creates a new entry if multiple entries of the element are allowed by the element definition. If multiple entries are not allowed, the process sets the status of the batch line to Error.
- Reject Entry - The process sets the status of the batch line to Error.
- Change Existing Entry - The process corrects or updates the existing entry. If there is more than one existing entry, the process sets the status of the batch line to Error.
The Undefined option is display-only (for batches created using SQL*Plus or a similar tool).
4. If you selected Change Existing Entry, select the type of date effective change to be made to recurring entries:
- Update - The process changes the existing entry from the effective date, but preserves the previous information. If there are future-dated changes to the existing entry, the process inserts the change before the next scheduled change.
- Correct - The process corrects the existing entry from its start date through to its end date. Any future-dated changes are unaffected.
- Override - The process changes the existing entry from the effective date, but preserves the previous information. If there are future-dated changes to the existing entry, the process replaces all future-dated changes with the batch line.
Notice that if you select this option, you cannot check the Reject if Future Changes check box.
The Undefined option is display-only (for batches created using SQL*Plus or a similar tool).
5. If you want to reject batch lines that match entries that start in the future or for which future changes are scheduled, check the Reject if Future Changes check box.
Notice that if you check this box, you cannot select the Override option.
6. If you want the batch to be purged from the temporary tables after successful transfer to Oracle HRMS, check the Purge After Transfer check box.
7. If you have set up control types to validate the batch before transfer, choose the Totals button. Select a batch control type and enter the total for the batch. You can enter as many types and totals as you require.
Entering Batch Lines
A batch line is one element entry for an assignment.
Use the Create Batch Lines window to create identical lines for all assignments identified by an assignment set. This is a quick way to create many lines for an element. If the input values need to vary between assignments, you can leave these blank and add them later using the Batch Lines window.
In the Batch Lines window, you can enter new lines for individual assignments, and you can view and edit lines created automatically for an assignment set. You can speed up entry of new lines by entering default input values
Note: A batch can contain lines for as many elements as you require. Lines within a batch can have different effective dates.
To navigate to these windows, first create and save a batch header in the Batch Header window. Then choose the Create Lines button (for the Create Batch Lines window) or the Lines button (for the Batch Lines window).
To enter batch lines for an assignment set:
1. Select the assignment set and payroll which identify the employees you want to create lines for.
2. Select the element for the batch lines and enter input values as appropriate.
3. Change the effective date if required.
4. Choose the Process button to submit a concurrent process called Create Batches. Confirm that you want the system to create the lines.
The Batch Lines window now closes, taking you back to the Batch Header window.
5. Choose the Create Lines button again if you want to add lines for another element. Requery your batch and choose the Lines button if you want to view and edit the lines created by the process.
To enter batch lines manually:
1. Choose the Lines button.
2. Select the element for which you want to make entries.
3. To enter default values to speed up the data entry, choose the Defaults button. The Defaults window displays the input values for the selected element.
4. Enter default values in any of the fields in the Defaults window. These defaults apply to all new entries in the batch, but not to any entries you have already made. You can change the defaults at any time during your data entry.
5. Uncheck the Display check box for any field that you do not want to display in the Lines window. You might want to hide any fields for which the default is correct for every entry.
6. In the Lines window, enter the data required for the batch. Lists of values are available on some fields, but no validation is enforced during data entry.
You can override the Effective Date for any line. This is the effective start date for a new entry or the effective date of an update.
7. Save your entries. If you want to make entries for another element, select the element, enter new defaults, enter the lines, then save again.
Retrieving Existing Batch Lines
Use the Batch Lines window to view existing batch lines.
To retrieve existing batch lines:
1. Do one of the following:
- Select the element in the Element field.
- Check the Unknown Elements check box if you are querying batch lines entered for an invalid element (or no element) by SQL*Plus or another tool.
2. Choose the Find button.
Updating a Batch
You can update a batch at any time before you transfer it. If you make any changes to a batch with the status Validated or Error, the batch status changes to Unprocessed.
See Also
Validating a BEE Batch
Transferring a BEE Batch
Purging a Batch from the BEE Tables
Rolling Back a MIX Process