Entering a New Employee
Use the Enter Person form to enter and maintain basic personal information, addresses, and work assignment details for your employees.
The system warns you if you enter two people with the same name and birth date.
Note: You cannot use this form if Oracle Human Resources is installed at your site. You must use the HR Person form, which maintains a datetracked history of any changes you make to employee records.
Select your employee number generation method in the Financial Options window.
To enter a new employee:
1. Enter the employee's name. Only the last name is required.
2. If your enterprise uses manual employee number entry, enter an employee number and national identifying number (such as Social Security Number in the US).
If your enterprise uses automatic number generation, enter a national identifying number only. The employee number automatically displays when you save your entries in this window.
3. Enter the employee's hire date in the first of the Employment Dates fields. This must be on or before today's date.
4. In the Email field, you can enter an email user ID.
5. In the Mail field, select Home or Office to indicate the employee's preferred mail address. For example, Oracle Payables mails employee expense checks to this address.
6. Save your work and choose More... to enter a new address or work assignment information.
Entering Addresses
You can enter as many addresses as necessary for each employee in the Address region of the Person Information window.
To enter an address:
1. Select a national address style.
A window opens with the address format for the country you select.
2. Enter your address information in this window and choose OK.
This returns you to the Address window.
Attention: If you plan to create a supplier from this employee automatically during Invoice Import, the address lines must not exceed 35 characters. Oracle Payables creates exceptions during Invoice Import for employees with addresses that exceed 35 characters.
3. Select an address type, such as home, or weekend, or office.
4. You can check Primary for the address you are creating, to identify the employee's main address. By default, the first address you enter is the Primary address.
Only one address at any time can be a person's Primary address.
Additional Information: Default address styles are predefined for many countries. You can create address styles for other countries.
See: Oracle HRMS Technical Reference Manual
Entering Employee Work Assignments
You enter information about an employee's work assignments in the Assignment region of the Person Information window.
If you want to assign the employee to an organization, job, or position, you must define these work structures first.
Enter the work address of the assignment in the Location window.
Set up your Accounting key flexfield.
To enter a new assignment:
1. Select the organization to which you want to assign the employee. The default organization is the Business Group.
If a location is defined for this organization, it also appears as a default.
2. Select the job, position, and supervisor for the employee's assignment.
The employee's supervisor is the default next approver for all purchasing documents if the Use Approval Hierarchies check box in the Financial Options window is checked.
3. The Set of Books field displays the set of books for your installation. The Default Expense Account field displays the concatenated description of the Account.
In some applications, you can select another flexfield structure that the employee's expenses should debit. Oracle Payables uses this information to generate expense reports for your employees.
4. Select a location for the assignment. The address of this location is displayed.
Updating Employee Assignments Over Time
Project Accounting users can select the Assignment History region to view and update employee assignments over time.
The date fields in this region display the start and end dates of the assignment.
In the New Assignment region, you can insert a change to the assignment, as from a particular start date. The Assignment History region shows one row for every change to the organization, job, location, manager, or billing title of the assignment. Each row is valid between the dates shown at the bottom of the Assignment History region.
To insert a change to an assignment:
1. Query the assignment you want to change in the Assignment History alternative region of the Person Information window.
2. In the New Assignment region, enter the start date of the change.
The other fields in this region display the values that are valid at this date.
3. Update any of the values in the New Assignment region, and save your changes.