Running the PTO Carry Over Process
Run this process at year end for each PTO accrual plan, to clear down participants' balances of unused, accrued time. For each participant, the process stores time available for carryover to the new year on the plan's Carried Over <plan name> element, and stores time they cannot carry over on the plan's Residual <plan name> element.
Run the PTO Carry Over process from the Submit Requests window.
To run the PTO Carry Over process:
1. Select PTO Carry Over in the Name field. If the Parameters window does not open automatically, click in the Parameters field.
2. The date in the PTO Year Earned field defaults to the year before the current year. You can enter a different year.
3. Select the name and category of the accrual plan for which you are running the process.
4. The Reprocess All Participants field defaults to No, so that the process affects only those plan participants not previously processed for this year. To process all participants regardless of any previous processing, select Yes in this field.
5. When the entry of parameters is complete, choose OK. Choose Submit to submit the request.
The net accrual calculation for PTO includes carried over PTO in determining an employee's accrued PTO to date. To set the net calculation rules, use the Net Calculation Rules window. To review an employee's carryover of accrued time, use the Accruals window.
See Also
Reviewing or Changing Net Accrual Calculations
Reviewing Employees' PTO Accruals