Mass Update of Applicants
The Mass Update of Applicants window contains a folder in which you can view all applicants and their assignment components and status. You can query groups of applicant assignments and update them as a group. There are two types of mass update you can perform:
- You can refer a group of applicants from one recruiter to another. The recruiter is the person responsible for handling the application.
- You can change the status of the applicant assignments.
To update a group of applicant assignments:
1. Select Find from the Query menu to open the Find Applications window. Enter selection criteria for the group of applicants you want to update and choose the Find button.
2. Do one of the following:
- If you want to update all or most of these applicant assignments, choose the Select All button. Then uncheck the Mark check box for any assignments that you do not want to update.
- If you want to update less than half of this group of assignments, check the Mark check box for each assignment you want to update.
3. Choose the Update button.
- If you want to update the status of the selected assignments, select the new status.
- If you want to refer these applicants to a new recruiter, select the name of the Recruiter.
5. Choose OK to effect the update.
See Also
Customizing the Presentation of Data in a Folder