Menu Structures
Each responsibility includes a security profile to restrict users' access to employee records. It also includes a menu structure to restrict the windows users can access, and what they can do on these windows.
By using different menu structures and functions for groups of users, you can:
- limit the range of information users can access for the applicant and employee records available to them
- improve users' efficiency in using the system by reducing menu choices
Menu functions can include:
- standard windows, displayed in edit or view-only mode
- customized windows, on which you have restricted the range of data that can be displayed
- the first window in task flows that link a number of windows that are used in sequence to complete a task
The AutoInstall program creates the default menu structure for your Oracle HRMS product. You can run a report to produce a listing of this structure.
The default menu structure lets you access all of the windows for your system. Normally, only a System Administrator has access to the full default menus. You can define any number of new functions and menus to restrict the access of other users.
See Also
Setting Up Navigation Menus