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Define MassCancel Listing

Use the Define MassCancel Listing to review purchase orders and requisitions you have selected for cancellation using the Define MassCancel form. Purchasing prints this report automatically after you define your purchase order or requisition cancellation criteria in the Define MassCancel window and save your work. The report is in four sections: Unable to Cancel Requisitions, Unable to Cancel Purchase Orders, Partially in Range Documents, and Fully in Range Documents.

The Unable to Cancel Requisitions and Unable to Cancel Purchase Orders sections print documents which fit your selection criteria, but which are not cancellable by MassCancel for a reason that the report provides.

Purchasing displays one of the following reasons why you cannot cancel a requisition:

Included in PO You have matched at least one line of your requisition to a purchase order. Therefore, you cannot cancel the entire requisition.
One or more POs are created based on this REQ You have one or more purchase orders that have been created based on this requisition. Therefore, you cannot cancel the requisition.
REQ is either incomplete, cancelled, or final closed The requisition is either incomplete, cancelled, or final closed. Therefore you cannot cancel the requisition.
Purchasing displays one of the following reasons why you cannot cancel a purchase order:

Line Overbilled You have been billed for more goods or services than you ordered on at least one distribution of your purchase order.
If you required receipt, you have been billed for more goods or services than you have recorded deliveries for at least one distribution of your purchase order. Therefore, you cannot cancel the purchase order in its entirety.
Line Overdelivered You have recorded deliveries in excess of goods or services ordered for at least one distribution of this purchase order. Therefore, you cannot cancel the purchase order in its entirety.
Invalid Accounting Flexfield One of the Accounting Flexfields you use for a purchase order distribution has expired. Therefore, you cannot create a journal entry using this Accounting Flexfield. You need to reactivate the Accounting Flexfield if you wish to cancel this line.
Purchasing prints this Cannot Cancel Reason only if you are using encumbrance or budgetary control for purchase orders.
Shipment Fully Received You have received all the goods or services you ordered for at least one shipment of your purchase order. Therefore, you cannot cancel this purchase order in its entirety.
Shipment Fully Billed You have been billed for all the goods or services for at least one of your shipments for this purchase order. Therefore, you cannot cancel this purchase order in its entirety.
If you have been billed for goods or services in excess of the quantity ordered, Purchasing prints Line Overbilled as the Cannot Cancel Reason.
Shipment Received But Not Delivered You have recorded receipts for some goods or services on at least one shipment for this purchase order. You have not recorded delivery of at least one of these items. Since you have received goods for this purchase order, you cannot cancel it in its entirety.
Included in Invoice You have been billed for at least one item of your purchase order. Therefore, you cannot cancel the entire purchase order. Purchasing prints this Cannot Cancel Reason only if you are using encumbrance or budgetary control for purchase orders.
The Partially in Range Documents section prints purchase orders or requisitions having distributions which fall partially in the range of Accounting Flexfields you selected for cancellation. Column headings provide you with descriptions of the contents of each column.

The Fully in Range section prints purchase orders or requisitions which meet all your selection criteria, and whose distributions fall completely within the range of Accounting Flexfields you selected for cancellation. Column headings provide you with descriptions of the contents of each column.

After you review the Define MassCancel Listing, you can complete the MassCancel process using the Run MassCancel window. You can cancel only purchase orders or requisitions which are Fully in Range or Partially in Range.

Report Submission

Since this report is automatically submitted, it is not available in the Submit Requests window.

See Also

Defining MassCancel

Running MassCancel

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