Defining MassCancel
Use the Define Mass Cancel window to specify criteria for cancelling groups of requisitions or purchase orders that you no longer want to honor.
You can specify a range of Accounting Flexfields for which to cancel requisitions or purchase orders. You can use this zone to specify a range of accounts, programs, projects, or funds, or one account, program, project, or fund for which to cancel purchase orders or requisitions. Purchasing selects for cancellation all purchase orders or requisitions that meet your other selection criteria and have distributions falling completely or partially within these ranges.
You can define multiple ranges of Accounting Flexfields, each including both a low and high value for each key segment. Purchasing excludes all values outside the specified ranges.
When you enter the Include Low field, Purchasing displays a pop-up window that contains a prompt for each segment you have defined for your Accounting Flexfield. You enter both the low and high ends of each range in this pop-up window. After you finish entering each range, Purchasing displays your low segment values in concatenated form in the Low field and displays your high segment values, similarly, in the High field.
Note that Purchasing does not perform checking for incompatible ranges, so you must take care to insure that your High value is actually higher than your Low value. Otherwise, no documents will be selected for MassCancel.
After you specify your cancellation criteria, Purchasing selects all purchase orders or requisitions meeting your cancellation criteria and automatically prints the Define MassCancel Listing. This report lists requisitions and purchase orders that are not cancellable, that fall partially within your cancellation criteria, and that fully meet your cancellation criteria. You can cancel purchase orders or requisitions in the latter two categories using the Run MassCancel window.
To define cancellation criteria:
3. Choose one of the following Options:
Requisition - Use this option to submit MassCancel for Requisitions.
Purchase Order - Use this option to submit MassCancel for planned and standard purchase orders, and blanket purchase agreements.
4. Select Cancel Backing Requisition Lines to indicate that you want to cancel the backing requisition lines when you cancel a purchase order. The cursor enters this field only when you choose the Purchase Order option in this window and then only when the Cancel Requisitions option in the Purchasing Options window is set to Optional. In this case, the default is to disable the check box, but you can change it. You cannot disable this option when the Cancel Requisitions option is Always or enable this option when the Cancel Requisitions option is Never. See: Defining Control Options.
If you set the Cancel Backing Requisition Lines option to Never, when you complete your MassCancel for purchase orders Purchasing recreates the requisition (and requisition encumbrance if you use requisition encumbrance or requisition budgetary control) from which you created your purchase order. Therefore, you should define and run MassCancel for all your purchase orders before you define and run MassCancel for your requisitions.
5. Enter the Start Date and End Date you want Purchasing to use to choose requisitions or purchase orders for cancellation. The creation date is the date you created your requisitions or purchase orders. Purchasing selects requisitions or purchase orders for cancellation that have creation dates between the start date and end date you specify here.
6. For requisitions only, enter the Document Type: Internal or Purchase.
7. Enter the Supplier Name for which you want Purchasing to choose purchase orders for MassCancel. If you specify a supplier name, Purchasing selects for cancellation all purchase orders for this supplier that also fit your other cancellation criteria. If you do not specify a supplier name, Purchasing selects all purchase orders that meet your other selection criteria. You cannot specify a supplier name if you are cancelling requisitions.
8. Enter the Low and High values of your MassCancel rule range. Neither value has to be a valid Accounting Flexfield value nor does it have to be made up of valid key segment values.
The lowest and highest possible values in a range are operating system dependent. The lowest possible value is either the number 0 or the character A. If the lowest value on your computer is the number 0, then the highest possible value is the character Z. If the lowest value on your computer is the character A, then the highest possible value is the number 0. You must determine which combination is correct for your computer. If you enter the incorrect combination of lowest to highest, Purchasing displays an error message so you know your computer accepts the other lowest to highest range combination. Note that ZZ is a higher value than Z. If you want to specify a single value to include, enter the same value in both the Low and High fields.
You want to cancel all purchase orders you charge to project 305. You define your Accounting Flexfield as Fund - Account - Organization - Project. Your computer uses 0 as the lowest value. You specify the Include Low value as 00-0000-000-305 and Include High as ZZ-ZZZZ-ZZZ-305. Note that if none of the Accounting Flexfield segments are required, you can have a range of all null (empty) segments, which in effect means that all accounts are included in the range.
See Also
Overview of Encumbrance Accounting
Define MassCancel Listing
Running MassCancel