Defining Tax Defaults Options
The tax defaults you select in this window are used in the following windows and processes in Purchasing:
- Shipments window for standard and planned purchase orders
- Purchase order line shipments created by the AutoCreate Documents window
- Shipments alternative region in the Releases window
- Release shipments created by the Create Releases process
- RFQ Shipments window (for Bid or Standard RFQs) or RFQ Price Breaks window (for Catalog RFQs)
- Quotation shipments window (for Bid or Standard quotations) or Quotation Price Breaks window (for Catalog quotations)
A Tax Name defined in the Purchase Order Preferences window overrides any tax defaults you set here. See: Entering Purchase Order Preferences.
Each source you choose below corresponds to a tax name. For more information on defining tax names, see: Defining Tax Names. See: Site Locations.
1. Navigate to the Tax Defaults alternative region in the Purchasing Options window.
2. Check one or more of the tax defaults sources from which your purchasing documents default tax names.
Ship-To Location - The tax name defaults from the Tax Name you entered in the Location window.
Item - The tax name defaults from the Tax Code value you entered in the Purchasing region of the Master Item or Organization Item windows. The tax name defaults first from the item and the ship-to organization, if available; if not, it defaults from the item and inventory organization.
Supplier Site - The tax name defaults from the Invoice Tax Name in the Invoice Tax region of the Supplier Sites window (accessible from within the Suppliers window).
Supplier - The tax name defaults from the Invoice Tax Name value in the Invoice Tax region of the Suppliers window.
Financial Options - The tax name defaults from the Tax Name in the Financials Options window.
3. In the Hierarchy column, enter a ranking number (starting with 1) for each of the tax defaults sources you checked (even if you checked only one).
| Hierarchy
| Ship-To Location
| Item
| 3
| Supplier Site
| 2
| Supplier
| 1
| Financials Options
This example means that when your purchasing documents default tax information, they look first for tax information from the supplier; if that tax information is not found, they look next for tax information from the supplier site; if that's not found, they look for tax information corresponding to the item.
See Also
Tax Defaults in Purchasing
Tax Control Methods