Entering Purchase Order Preferences
Use the Purchase Order Preferences window to enter preference information for purchase order lines, shipments, distributions, and releases. You can save time and effort by entering valid default values here. When you save your work in the Lines alternative region in the Purchase Orders window, Purchasing creates a shipment using the organization and ship-to location if you provided valid values in the defaults region. Then, if it is successful in creating a shipment, Purchasing creates a distribution using these values. Similarly, when you save your work in the Purchase Order Shipments window, Purchasing creates a distribution if it does not already exist and if you provided a valid organization here. You can update these shipments and distributions by navigating to the Purchase Order Shipments or Purchase Order Distributions windows.
Purchasing can create shipments only when it has default information that meets the following criteria:
- There must be an organization and a location.
- The location must belong to the organization or not be assigned to any organization.
- If the line contains an item (and optionally a revision), that item (and revision) must be valid in the default shipment organization.
Purchasing can create distributions only when it has default information that meets the following criteria:
- If the Destination Type is Inventory, the line must have an item that is stock enabled in the ship-to organization. Also, if a default subinventory has been entered, it must be defined in the ship-to organization.
- The Account Generator must be able to supply the accounts. If the Destination Type is Expense, you can enter a default charge account, which overrides any account supplied by the Account Generator.
- If you are using encumbrance accounting, you must enter a default GL date.
Purchasing uses the preferences you enter in this window for the current line and all subsequent purchase order lines that you enter during this user session. Thus, for existing purchase orders, the defaults apply only to new lines, shipments, and distributions that you add during this session. If you want to clear the default information, either choose Delete Record in the Purchase Order Preferences window or exit the application. The default values are only valid for the session in which you are currently working. The are not saved to the database.
To enter main preferences:
In the Main alternative region, you can enter the defaults described in the following steps.
2. Select Confirming Order to indicate that this order is confirming a previous informal order with the supplier.
4. For planned purchase orders and blanket purchase agreements, enter the Minimum Release Amount for a line.
5. If you are referencing contract purchase agreement on a standard purchase order, enter the Contract number. The contract must be effective; that is, the current date has to be within the effective date and the expired date of the contract.
If you reference a contract purchase agreement on a standard purchase order line, Purchasing adds the total amount of the purchase order line to the total amount of the contract.
7. Enter the Need By date when the requestor needs the item. This date is printed on the purchase order if you do not provide a promised-by date. If you are using Purchasing with Master Scheduling/MRP, you must provide either a need-by date or a promised-by date for shipments that correspond to purchase order lines with Master Scheduling/MRP planned items. A need-by date is also required for Inventory planned items. See: Planner Workbench.
8. Enter the Promised By date when the supplier promised delivery of the items. This date is printed on the purchase order.
9. Choose Yes, No, or Null (blank) from Taxable to indicate if the item is taxable. For taxable items, you can enter the Tax Name. See: Defining Items. See: Defining Tax Names.
Note: If Null is chosen as the taxable option, then the system defaults the item taxable status from the item organization attribute. If there is no default in the item organization attribute then it derives the taxable status from the Defaults region of the Purchasing Options window. See Defining Purchasing Options.
10. Enter the Tax Name for all shipments. The Tax Name overrides the tax defaulting hierarchy defined in the Purchasing Options window. See: Defining Tax Defaults Options.
11. Enter the paper Requisition Number for all distributions. Purchasing automatically copies this number to every distribution you create for this purchase order line. You can later review purchase orders based on paper requisitions using the Find Purchase Orders window. If you enter a requisition number, you can also enter a Requisition Line number. See: Finding Purchase Orders.
13. Enter the Accounting Flexfield that you want to charge for the expenses. Purchasing uses the account you enter here only for expense destinations and overrides any account built by the Account Generator. See: Using the Account Generator in Oracle Purchasing.
14. Enter the organization. The List of Values displays all valid receiving organizations.
15. Enter the ship-to location for the shipment.
16. Enter the Destination type to indicate the final destination of the purchased items:
Expense - The goods are delivered to the requestor at an expense location. The destination subinventory is not applicable.
Inventory - The goods are received into inventory upon delivery.
17. Enter the Requestor. This is the employee who requests the quantities on the purchase order distribution lines. Purchasing copies this name as the requestor for every distribution you create for this purchase order line.
18. Enter the Deliver To location for all distributions. Purchasing copies this location to every distribution you create for this purchase order line. The default is the requestor's location. You can pick any location that does not have an organization or any location whose organization matches the ship-to organization. See: Enter Person. See: Site Locations.
To enter project information preferences:
You see a Project Information alternative region if one of the following is true:
- Oracle Projects is installed, or
- Oracle Project Manufacturing is installed and Project Reference Enabled is selected in the Organization Parameters window in Oracle Inventory
The project information you enter is used by Oracle Projects for destination types of Expense, or by Oracle Project Manufacturing for destination types of Inventory or Shop Floor. See: Oracle Projects User's Guide. See: Oracle Project Manufacturing Implementation Manual.
1. Choose the Project Information alternative region.
2. Select a Project Number.
For a Destination Type of Inventory or Shop Floor, you can optionally enter a Project Number if the Project Control Level is set to Project in the Project Information alternative region of the Organization Parameters window.
For a Destination Type of Expense, you can always optionally enter a Project Number.
3. If you entered a Project number, select a Task number.
You must enter a Task number for a Destination Type of Inventory or Shop Floor, if the Project Control Level is set to Task in the Organization Parameters window and if you have entered a Project number.
4. Enter Expenditure information.
Expenditure information is required only if your Destination Type is Expense.
- Select the Expenditure Type.
- If you chose an Expenditure Type, enter an Expenditure Organization.
- If you chose an Expenditure Organization, select the Expenditure Item Date.
To apply your preference changes.
- Select the Apply button to apply your changes.
See Also
Entering Purchase Order Lines
Entering Purchase Order Shipments
Entering Purchase Order Distributions
Overview of Purchasing Options
Purchase Order Defaulting Rules