Receiving Transaction Processor
Use the Receiving Transaction Processor to process your pending or unprocessed receiving transactions. How the Receiving Transaction Processor handles these transactions depends on the processing mode, which is a profile option that you can set at the site, application, responsibility, and user levels.
In On-line processing mode, Purchasing calls the Receiving Transaction Processor when you save your work.
In Immediate processing mode, when you save your work, the receiving forms call the Receiving Transaction Processor for the group of transactions you have entered since you last saved your work. Note that this is a specific group of transactions. Transactions belonging to other groups (for example, those entered by another user in Batch processing mode) are not included.
In Batch processing mode, the receiving forms insert transaction information into the receiving interface tables. These transactions remain in the interface table until you run the Receiving Transaction Processor. The receiving forms take into account all pending transactions, but Purchasing does not update the transaction history, source documents, and supply information until the transactions are processed.
You can set Standard Report Submission parameters to run the Receiving Transaction Processor at specified intervals so that your pending transactions are processed as often as required.
The Receiving Transaction Processor performs the following functions:
- validates Advance Shipment Notice (ASN) and Advance Shipment and Billing and Notice (ASBN) information in the receiving open interface
- derives and defaults values into the receiving interface tables (For example, if a particular value or field is not received, the receiving open interface tries to derive the value using defaulting and derivation rules.)
- creates receipt headers for intransit shipments
- creates receipt lines for all receipts
- maintains transaction history information
- maintains lot and serial transaction history
- accrues uninvoiced receipt liabilities
- maintains the following purchase order quantities: quantity received, quantity delivered, quantity accepted, and quantity rejected
- closes purchase orders for receiving
- maintains the following requisition quantities: quantity received, quantity delivered
- maintains supply information
- maintains inventory information (for Inventory destination type)
- maintains outside processing information (for Shop Floor destination type)
To run the Receiving Transaction Processor:
1. Navigate to the Submit Requests window.
2. Select Requests in the first field.
3. Select Receiving Transaction Processor in the Name field.
4. Save your work to begin the process.
See Also
Profile Options in Purchasing
Submitting a Request