Finding Supplier Items
Use the Search Supplier Item Catalog window to enter search criteria for supplier items.
Depending on the function security assigned to your responsibility, you have varying levels of access to information. A responsibility defines an application user's current privileges while working with Oracle Applications.
If you enter an item with Purchasing Enabled = 'N' and with Internal Orders Enabled = 'Y', the item is valid for an internal order, but you cannot search for this item in the Supplier Item Catalog. If you want to be able to search the Supplier Item Catalog, the item must have Purchasing Enabled = 'Y'.
See Also
Overview of Function Security
Function Security for Purchasing
To enter search criteria:
Enter optional search criteria as described in the following steps:
2. Enter the Commodity. This is used to locate matching stored categories on Purchasing document lines.
3. Enter the Requisition Template. This is enabled only if the window is accessed from the menu or from the Requisitions window.
4. Enter the Category Set. This is used to find predefined items associated with a specific category set. If you access this window from the Requisitions or Purchase Orders windows, the default is the Purchasing category set. If you enter a category set, you can also further restrict the search by entering a Category.
5. Enter the Item number. If you access this window from the Requisitions or Purchase Orders window, the default is the item on the originating document line. If you enter an item, you can also further restrict the search by entering an item Revision number.
6. Enter the item Description. If you access this window from the Requisitions or Purchase Orders window, the default is the description on the originating document line.
7. Enter key words separated by spaces in the Item description contains the words: field to find item descriptions containing all the specified words. The search is not case sensitive, nor does it consider the sequence of the words.
8. Enter the Supplier. If you access this window from the Requisitions or Purchase Orders window, the default is the supplier on the originating document line. If you enter a supplier, you can enter a supplier Site.
9. Enter the Supplier Item number. If you access this window from the Requisitions or Purchase Orders window, the default is the supplier item number on the originating document line.
10. Select Approved Suppliers Only to get only records where the supplier and the item exist in a current sourcing rule and Approved Supplier List entry.
11. Enter the Due Date to get documents that are current as of this date or future effective. If you access this window from the Requisitions or Purchase Orders window, the default is the due date on the originating document line.
12. Enter the Line Type. If you access this window from the Requisitions or Purchase Orders window, the default is the line type on the originating document line.
13. Enter the UOM. If you access this window from the Requisitions or Purchase Orders window, the default is the UOM on the originating document line.
Attention: Since catalog quotations in the Negotiated Sources and Sourcing Rules alternative regions can have different units of measure on the line and the price break, Purchasing performs the following test on the UOM you enter in this field:
If a UOM exists on the shipment, Purchasing returns rows where this matches the search value. If no UOM exists on the shipment, Purchasing returns rows where the line UOM matches the search value. We do this because if you add to the Order Pad from a row with a different UOM on the price break, this is the UOM we copy to the Order Pad.
14. Enter the Organization. If you access this window from the menu or the Requisitions window, the field title is Deliver-To Organization. If you access this window from the Purchase Orders window, the field title is Ship-To Organization. The defaults are from the originating document line, deliver-to from the requisition and ship-to from the purchase order.
15. Enter the Location. If you access this window from the menu or the Requisitions window, the field title is Deliver-To Location. If you access this window from the Purchase Orders window, the field title is Ship-To Location. The query is based on the ship-to location associated with the deliver-to location. The defaults are from the originating document line, deliver-to location from the requisition and ship-to location from the purchase order.
16. Enter the Currency. If you access this window from the Purchase Orders window, the default is the currency from the purchase order line.
To clear existing search criteria:
- Select the Clear button to clear any existing search criteria.
To initiate the search:
- Select the Find button to initiate the search and open the Supplier Item Catalog window.
To close the Search Supplier Item Catalog window:
- Select the Close Catalog button to close the Search Supplier Item Catalog window. This button is available only when you have accessed this window from the Requisitions or Purchase Orders windows; when you close the catalog window, you return to your originating document window.
Note that you must select either Find or Close Catalog before you can return to the originating document. While the Search Supplier Item Catalog window is open, you cannot:
- Navigate to the originating document
See Also
Overview of the Supplier Item Catalog
Defining Categories
Defining Category Sets
Defining Items
About Suppliers
Using the Calendar to Enter Dates
Defining Line Types
Defining Units of Measure
Representing Organizations.
Site Locations
Defining Currencies