Using the Supplier Item Catalog Alternative Regions
Use the Supplier Item Catalog window to:
- Review results of your search in the alternative regions of the Search Supplier Item Catalog window.
- Select prices from the alternative regions for placement onto requisition and purchase order lines.
- Place source lines from the alternative regions onto the Order Pad, where you can modify them before placing them onto requisition and purchase order lines or onto new requisitions.
The Supplier Item Catalog window has four alternative regions (Negotiated Sources, Prior Purchases, Sourcing Rules, and Requisition Templates), but Function Security controls which are present. A profile option (PO: Default Supplier Item Catalog Option) determines which of these alternative regions is the default, but this applies only to regions permitted by Function Security.
The query based on your search criteria is executed in the currently displayed alternative results region in the Supplier Item Catalog window. As you change alternative regions, a query is executed in each alternative region using the original search criteria. Search criteria are considered only in alternative regions in which they are relevant.
For example, if your original search criteria consisted of a requisition template and a key word, the query in the Negotiated Sources alternative region would ignore the requisition template.
To review the alternative regions:
The Negotiated Sources alternative region is a folder. As installed, it displays the Supplier, Item, Commodity, item Description, Supplier Item number, Line UOM, Line Price, Break Quantity, and Break Price.
The Prior Purchases alternative region is a folder. As installed, it displays the Order Date, Supplier, Item number, Commodity, item Description, UOM, Price, Supplier Item number, and Quantity.
The Sourcing Rules alternative region displays the Item number, Rank, Supplier, Rule number, and the rule Effective date range. You can expand and collapse sourcing rule lines either by selecting the + and - icons or from options on the Special menu. When you expand a sourcing rule line, Purchasing opens a folder window that, as installed, displays the Rank, Commodity, Supplier Item, Line UOM, Line Price, Break Quantity, and Break Price for documents referencing the rule.
The Requisition Templates alternative region is a folder. As installed, it displays the Supplier, Item number, Commodity, UOM, Price, Source Type, Supplier Item number, Template name, Template Description, and Buyer.
To select prices from the alternative regions:
1. Select the Select Price Only check box, if you opened the Supplier Item Catalog from a requisition (the target document.). If you opened the Supplier Item Catalog from a purchase order, the Select Price Only check box is already selected, and you cannot deselect it. You cannot use the Order Pad if you have checked Select Price Only. You cannot use the Order Pad if you opened it from a Purchase Order window.
2. Move the cursor to the desired line in one of the alternative regions.
3. Select the Select button to copy the price of the current line to your target document.
To use the Order Pad:
1. Select the Down Arrow to place the current line in the open alternative region onto the Order Pad. The cursor moves to the Order Pad, where you can select the Eraser icon to return the current line to its original alternative region.
2. You can enter or edit the following fields for an Order Pad line: Quantity, Price, Need-By date, Organization, Location, Destination Type, and Subinventory.
3. Select the Select button to add the order pad lines to the requisition or purchase order from which you accessed the catalog. This also closes the Supplier Item Catalog window.
To enter order pad options and defaults:
To view the current order pad total:
- Select the Order Total button to open the Order Pad Total window. This window displays the Functional Currency and the current total amount on the order pad.
To close the Supplier Item Catalog window:
- Select the Close Catalog button to close the Supplier Item Catalog windows. This button is available only when you have accessed this window from the Requisitions or Purchase Orders windows; when you close the Search Supplier Item Catalog and the Supplier Item Catalog windows, you return to your originating document window.
Note that you must either Select information to copy back or Close Catalog before you can return to the originating document. While the Supplier Item Catalog window is open, you cannot:
- Navigate to the originating document
See Also
Overview of the Supplier Item Catalog
Using the Search Supplier Item Catalog Window
Entering Requisition Lines
Site Locations
Representing Organizations
Customizing the Presentation of Data in a Folder