Approving Entire Quotations
Use the Approve Entire Quotations window to approve or unapprove all shipments for a single quotation. You simply provide an approval type and reason. Purchasing approves or unapproves all shipments on the quotation.
You need to approve quotation information if you want to let your requestors or buyers reference it on purchase orders or requisitions. You can approve quotation information for specific purposes so that you can control the use of your sourcing information.
Use the Quotations window to approve or unapprove individual quotation shipments. See: Approving Quotation Shipments.
To approve/unapprove entire quotations:
2. Select either Approve or Unapprove as the approval action. You can approve an entire quotation as often as you want. Each time you approve an entire quotation, Purchasing creates a new approval for each quotation shipment.
If you select Approve, you must enter an approval type and reason before you can save your changes. You can approve a specific quotation several times for different approval types and reasons. If you enter Unapprove, you will be unapproving all shipment lines for the current quotation.
3. Enter the approval Type for your quotation. Approval types determine the types of documents on which you can use the quotation. The available types are: All Orders (all types of purchase orders and requisitions), Purchase Agreements, Requisitions, Standard Purchase Orders.
4. Enter an active approval reason. You can enter this field only when you choose Approve as the action. See: Defining Lookup Codes.
5. Enter the name of the approver. Purchasing defaults your name in this field. You can enter this field only when you choose Approve as the action.
6. Enter the Effective date range for your approval. You can use approved quotation information on your documents only if the quotation is active and if the current date is within the effectivity dates. If you do not provide an expiration date, you can always use the quotation for your documents while the quotation is active and approved.
7. Enter comments about your approval. You can enter this field only when you choose Approve as the action.
8. Select OK to approve/unapprove the quotation.
To cancel your entries:
- Select the Cancel button to cancel your action and return to the window from which you accessed the Approve Entire Quotation window.
See Also
Entering Quotation Shipment Information
Entering Quotation Price Break Information
Approving Quotation Shipments