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You use the Sourcing Rule and Sourcing Rule / Bill of Distribution Assignments windows to create sourcing rules. You use the Approved Supplier List and Supplier-Item Attributes windows to specify source document information for a particular item-supplier combination.
You can define allocation percentages when creating sourcing rules in the Sourcing Rule window. Master Scheduling/MRP uses these allocation percentages when creating planned orders, which Purchasing imports as requisitions through Requisition Import. In a group of requisitions imported from Master Scheduling/MRP, those requisitions show the percentage allocation you define. In other words, at the end of a planning period, orders--as a group--to those suppliers approximately equal the percentage split you defined. However, when you create a requisition in Purchasing, Purchasing sources to the supplier with the highest allocated percentage. The Approved Supplier List (ASL) entry for that supplier is then referenced in order to pick up source document information (from a blanket purchase agreement or catalog quotation), if source documents exist. You can also rank the suppliers in the Sourcing Rule window, so that if a percentage allocation is the same for some suppliers, Purchasing sources to the one with the highest rank.
In the Approved Supplier List and Sourcing Rule windows, you can also source at an item or commodity level. That is, you can provide sourcing information for an item at the item level, or for a category of items at the commodity level. You can also perform global or local sourcing. A sourcing rule assigned at the global level in the Sourcing Rule / Bill of Distribution Assignments window is valid for all operating units. A global ASL entry in the Approved Supplier List window is valid for all inventory organizations in an operating unit. A local sourcing rule or ASL entry is valid only for the operating unit you're in or the organization you chose.
If you define a blanket purchase agreement or quotation as the source document for your item, Purchasing provides the following sourcing information for your requisition line: Buyer, Supplier, Site, Contact, Phone, Supplier Item Number, Document Type (Blanket or Quotation) Source Document, Source Line Number, and RFQ Required (Yes or No). You can later review the sourcing information in the AutoCreate Documents window before placing the requisition line onto a purchase order.
Purchasing defaults sourcing information from the blanket purchase agreement or quotation except under the following conditions:
Note: You can also receive blanket purchase agreements and quotations electronically from your suppliers through the Purchasing Documents Open Interface. See: Receiving Price/Sales Catalog Information Electronically.
Note: Some of the fields in the Sourcing Rule window may already be completed for you if your supplier sends you catalog information electronically.
Attention: When you enter an Assignment Set name in the Sourcing Rule/Bill of Distribution Assignments window, make sure you use the same name that appears (or that you've provided) in the profile option MRP: Default Sourcing Assignment Set.
Sourcing Rules and Bills of Distribution
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