Entering Requisition Preferences
Use the Requisition Preferences window to enter requisition line defaults (including currency, destination, project, and sourcing default information). These defaults are applicable during this user session to all new requisition lines you create after you set the defaults until you exit Purchasing. You can override these defaults for specific lines.
To enter main preferences:
2. Enter the Need By date.
4. Enter the Charge Account for the cost of the items on the requisition line. The account you enter here is used only for expense destinations, and it overrides any account built by the Account Generator.
5. Enter a Justification for your requisition line. Buyers and approvers can review this justification.
6. For Internal requisitions only, enter a Note To Receiver. For example, you could note that the receiver should unpack your requested items or that only you can accept delivery. For both internal and purchase requisitions, you can provide additional notes to the receiver by using attachments. See: Attaching Notes to Purchasing Documents.
7. Enter the default Reference Number for all requisition lines. You use the reference number to match your requisition line with a specific work, project, etc.
9. Check Urgent to indicate that your requisition should be expedited. Buyers have the option to process urgent requisitions faster when they AutoCreate purchase orders from requisitions.
10. Enter a default suggested Currency for the requisition lines. This must be an enabled code from the Currency window. See: Defining Currencies.
11. Enter the default Rate Type. You can also set this default in the Purchasing Options window. Defining Default Options. Purchasing supplies you with one of two predefined currency rate types: User or EMU Fixed. A rate type of User means that you can enter a conversion rate between the foreign currency (or transaction currency in a document entry window) and the base currency (or functional currency, defined in your set of books). A rate type of EMU Fixed means that if either your transaction currency or your functional currency is Euro (the European Monetary Unit currency) and the other is another European currency, Purchasing automatically enters a conversion Rate Date and Rate for you that you cannot change.
12. Enter the default currency Rate Date.
13. Enter the default currency conversion Rate. Purchasing overrides this default when you are entering requisition lines if the rate type is not User and if you have established a rate for the rate type and date. See: Entering Daily Rates.
14. Enter the Deliver To destination to indicate the final destination of the purchased items:
Expense - The goods are delivered to the requestor at an expense location.
Inventory - The goods are received into inventory upon delivery. This option is appropriate only if the item is stock enabled in the deliver-to organization.
Shop Floor - The goods are delivered to an outside processing operation defined by Work in Process. This option is appropriate only for outside processing items.
15. Enter the Requestor. This is the employee who requests the quantities on the requisition lines. Purchasing copies this name as the requestor for every requisition line.
16. Enter the Organization. The default is the requestor's organization. The List of Values displays all valid receiving organizations.
17. Enter the delivery Location for all requisition lines. The default is the requestor's location. You can pick any location that does not have an organization or any location whose organization matches the deliver-to organization. See: Enter Person. See: Site Locations.
18. Enter the Source type: Inventory or Supplier. If you have both options, you can source requisition lines independently of the document type. You can also mix inventory and supplier sourced requisition lines in the same requisition. Purchasing creates one internal sales order for all Inventory source type requisition lines on this requisition. You can use the Autocreate Documents window to place Supplier source type requisition lines onto purchase orders.
For Inventory source type lines, you can enter a default Organization and Subinventory. If you specify a subinventory for an internal requisition line, Order Entry uses only the specified subinventory for allocation. If the goods do not exist at the specified subinventory, Purchasing backorders them, even if they do exist in another subinventory.
For Supplier source type lines, you can enter the following defaults: Buyer, Note to Buyer, Supplier, Site, Contact, and Phone. You can also check RFQ Required to indicate that you want to require an RFQ before the buyer creates a purchase order for the requisition. If RFQs are required and you AutoCreate a purchase order before creating an RFQ for the requisition line, Purchasing displays a warning message. You can also set this default in the Purchasing Options window. See: Defining Default Options.
To enter project information preferences:
You see a Project Information alternative region if one of the following is true:
- Oracle Projects is installed, or
- Oracle Project Manufacturing is installed and Project Reference Enabled is selected in the Organization Parameters window in Oracle Inventory
The project information you enter is used by Oracle Projects for Deliver To destination types of Expense, or by Oracle Project Manufacturing for Deliver To destination types of Inventory or Shop Floor. See: Oracle Projects User's Guide. See: Oracle Project Manufacturing Implementation Manual.
1. Choose the Project Information alternative region.
2. Select a Project Number.
For a Deliver To destination type of Inventory or Shop Floor, you can optionally enter a Project Number if the Project Control Level is set to Project in the Project Information alternative region of the Organization Parameters window.
For a Deliver To destination type of Expense, you can always optionally enter a Project Number.
3. If you entered a Project number, select a Task number.
You must enter a Task number for a Deliver To destination type of Inventory or Shop Floor, if the Project Control Level is set to Task in the Organization Parameters window and if you have entered a Project number.
4. Enter Expenditure information:
Expenditure information is required only if your Destination Type is Expense.
- Select the Expenditure Type.
- If you chose an Expenditure Type, enter an Expenditure Organization.
- If you chose an Expenditure Organization, select the Expenditure Item Date.
To apply your defaults:
- Select the Apply button to apply your defaults. The preferences entered here will affect new lines entered after you select Apply until you exit the application.
See Also
Using the Account Generator in Oracle Purchasing