- action rule
- A conditional statement is evaluated during quality data collection. Action rules must be evaluated and found to be true before their associated quality actions are invoked.
- activity
- A business action or task which uses a resource or incurs a cost.
- assemble-to-order (ATO)
- An environment where you open a final assembly order to assemble items that customers order. Assemble-to-order is also an item attribute that you can apply to standard, model, and option class items.
- assembly
- An item that has a bill of material. You can purchase or manufacture an assembly item. See also assemble-to-order, bill of material.
- assembly completion pull transaction
- A material transaction where you backflush components from inventory to work in process as you complete the operation where the component is consumed. See operation completion pull transaction.
- assembly completion transaction
- A material transaction where you receive assemblies into inventory from a job or schedule upon completion of the manufacture of the assembly.
- assembly move completion transaction
- A move transaction that completes assemblies into inventory.
- assembly scrap transaction
- A move transaction where you charge a scrap account as you move assemblies into a Scrap intraoperation step. This reduces the value of your discrete job.
- attribute collection element
- A collection element that represents the outcome of a process. See collection element types.
- backflush operation
- A routing operation where you backflush component items.
- backflush transaction
- A material transaction that automatically issues component items into work in process from inventory when you move or complete the assembly. Also known as post-deduct or pull. See pull transaction
- category
- Code used to group items with similar characteristics, such as plastics, metals, or glass items.
- category set
- A feature in Inventory where users may define their own group of categories. Typical category sets include purchasing, materials, costing, and planning.
- collection element
- Represents a quality results value. An unlimited number of collection elements can be defined. Collection elements are used to create collection plan elements and specification elements.
- collection number
- An identifier for a group of quality results.
- collection plan
- A collection plan determines what data to collect, where to collect it, when to collect it, and what action to take based on this data. A collection plan is similar to a test or inspection plan.
- collection plan element
- A collection element that has been added to a collection plan.
- collection trigger
- A set of conditions that invoke quality data collection when satisfied. Collection triggers are evaluated as parent transaction are entered.
- component item
- An item associated with a parent item on a bill of material.
- concurrent manager
- Components of your applications concurrent processing facility that monitor and run time-consuming tasks for you without tying up your terminal. Whenever you submit a request, such as running a report, a concurrent manager does the work for you, letting you perform many tasks simultaneously.
- concurrent process
- A task in the process of completing. Each time you submit a task, you create a new concurrent process. A concurrent process runs simultaneously with other concurrent processes (and other activities on your computer) to help you complete multiple tasks at once with no interruptions to your terminal.
- concurrent queue
- A list of concurrent requests awaiting completion by a concurrent manager. Each concurrent manager has a queue of requests waiting in line. If your system administrator sets up simultaneous queuing, your request can wait to run in more than one queue.
- concurrent request
- A request to complete a task for you. You issue a request whenever you submit a task, such as running a report. Once you submit a task, the concurrent manager automatically takes over for you, completing your request without further involvement from you, or interruption to your work. Concurrent managers process your request according to when you submit the request and the priority you assign to your request. If you do not assign a priority to your request, your application prioritizes the request for you.
- context element
- A collection element associated with a quality collection transaction. Values for context elements are automatically transferred to Oracle Quality as their parent collection transaction are entered.
- customer specification
- See specification type
- database diagram
- A graphic representation of application tables and the relationships among them.
- database view
- Provides access to an underlying database table. You do not need to know how the data is stored to use a database view. There are two types associated with Oracle Quality: the collection plan results and the collection import results database views.
- deliver-to location
- A location where you deliver goods previously received from a supplier to individual requestors.
- delivery
- Internal delivery of items to requestors within your organization.
- department
- An area within your organization that consists of one or more people, machines, or suppliers. You can also assign and update resources to a department.
- department class
- A group of departments.
- discrete job
- A production order for the manufacture of a specific (discrete) quantity of an assembly, using specific materials and resources, in a limited time. A discrete job collects the costs of production and allows you to report those costs--including variances--by job. Also known as work order or assembly order.
- discrete manufacturing
- A manufacturing environment where you build assemblies in discrete jobs or batches. Different from a repetitive production environment where you build assemblies on production or assembly lines at a daily rate.
- distribution list
- A predefined list of electronic mail IDs that you can use rather than entering individual mail IDs (To, Cc, and Bcc) when defining mail message alert actions in Oracle Quality.
- dynamically defined serial number
- Creating and assigning serial numbers as you need them, instead of creating serial numbers before their assignment.
- effective date
- Date when an Oracle Manufacturing function is available for use. For example, this could be the date a bill of material component or routing operation becomes effective, or the date you anticipate revised item changes become part of a bill of material and can no longer be controlled by an ECO.
- entity
- A data object that holds information for an application.
- flexfield segment
- One of the parts of your key flexfield, separated from the other parts by a symbol you choose (such as -, /, or \). Each segment typically represents a cost center, company, item family, or color code.
- flow charging
- A repetitive transaction method where you charge material, move, resource, and overhead transactions to a specific assembly on a line rather than a specific repetitive schedule. See repetitive allocation
- hazard class
- A category of hazardous materials. Most hazardous materials belong to only one hazard class. Some materials belong to more than one hazard class and some materials do not belong to any. If a material belongs to more than one hazard class, you should list these classes in a specific order.
- hidden collection plan
- A collection plan that consists entirely of context elements. Data collection for these collection plans occurs in the background and requires no user intervention.
- inspection
- A procedure you perform to ensure that items received conform to your quality standards. You can use inspections to prevent payment for goods and services that fail to meet your quality standards.
- intraoperation steps
- The particular phases within an operation. There are five intraoperation steps in Work in Process: Queue, Run, To Move, Reject, and Scrap.
- inventory organization
- An organization that tracks inventory transactions and balances, and/or that manufactures or distributes products.
- inventory transaction
- A record of material movement. The basic information for a transaction includes the item number, the quantity moved, the transaction amount, the accounting flexfields, and the date. See material transaction
- issue transaction
- A material transaction to issue component items from inventory to work in process.
- item
- Anything you make, purchase, or sell, including components, subassemblies, finished products, or supplies. Oracle Manufacturing also uses items to represent planning items that you can forecast, standard lines that you can include on invoices, and option classes you can use to group options in model and option class bills.
- item category
- See category.
- item specification
- See specification type.
- job
- A category of personnel in your organization. Examples of a typical job include Vice President, Buyer, and Manager. See also position.
- job status
- An Oracle Manufacturing function that lets you describe various stages in the life cycle of a discrete job and control activities that you can perform on the job.
- locator
- Physical area within a subinventory where you store material, such as a row, aisle, bin, or shelf.
- locator control
- An Oracle Manufacturing technique for enforcing use of locators during a material transaction.
- lot
- A specific batch of an item identified by a number.
- lot control
- An Oracle Manufacturing technique for enforcing use of lot numbers during material transactions thus enabling the tracking of batches of items throughout their movement in and out of inventory.
- mail message action
- An electronic mail message distributed when an electronic mail alert is invoked by action rule processing in Oracle Quality.
- mandatory collection plan
- A collection plan for which quality results must be entered before the parent transaction can be saved.
- manual resource
- A resource manually charged to a discrete job or repetitive schedule.
- material requirement
- An inventory item and quantity needed to build an assembly on a job or repetitive schedule. Discrete job and repetitive schedule material requirements are created based on the component items defined on the assembly's bill of materials. Issue transactions fulfill material requirements.
- material transaction
- Transfer between, issue from, receipt to, or adjustment to an inventory organization, subinventory, or locator. Receipt of completed assemblies into inventory from a job or repetitive schedule. Issue of component items from inventory to work in process.
- message action
- An action that displays or logs a message for the user. In Oracle Quality, message actions differ from mail message actions.
- move transaction
- A transaction to move assemblies from operation to operation or within an operation on a discrete job or repetitive schedule.
- on hold job/schedule
- A job or repetitive schedule not accepting further activity and is therefore untransactable.
- open interface
- A Manufacturing function that lets you import or export data from other systems through an open interface. An example is a bar code reader device accumulating data you later import into your manufacturing system for further processing.
- operating script action
- An operating system script invoked by action rule processing in Oracle Quality.
- operation
- A step in a manufacturing process where you perform work on, add value to, and consume department resources for an assembly.
- operation code
- A label that identifies a standard operation.
- operation completion pull transaction
- A material transaction where you backflush components from inventory to work in process as you complete the operation where the component is consumed. See also backflush transaction
- operation completion transaction
- A move transaction from one operation to the next where you have completed building the assembly at that operation. In this process, you can also charge resources and overheads and backflush component items.
- operation sequence
- A number that orders operations in a routing relative to each other.
- organization
- A business unit such as a plant, warehouse, division, department, and so on. Order Entry refers to organizations as warehouses on all Order Entry windows and reports.
- output variable
- A variable whose output changes based upon the outcome of action rule processing. You can use output variables in alert actions to define mail IDs, display exception data, and pass parameters to concurrent program request, SQL script, and operating system script alert actions in Oracle Quality.
- outside processing
- Performing work on a discrete job or repetitive schedule using resources provided by a supplier.
- parent transaction
- A transaction entered in an Oracle Manufacturing product that invokes quality data collection.
- Pareto's law
- Vilfredo Pareto's theory that a small percentage of a group accounts for the largest fraction of the impact for the group. For example, 90% of your inventory value may be attributed to 5% of your inventory items.
- processing status
- The processing state of a row (record) in an open interface table. Common statuses include, but are not restricted to, Pending, Running, and Error. See repetitive processing days.
- production line
- The physical location where you manufacture a repetitive assembly, usually associated with a routing. You can build many different assemblies on the same line at the same time. Also known as assembly line.
- pull transaction
- A material transaction that automatically issues component items into work in process from inventory when you move or complete the assembly. Also known as post-deduct or backflush. See backflush transaction
- purchase order
- A type of purchase order you issue when you request delivery of goods or services for specific dates and locations. You can order multiple items for each planned or standard purchase order. Each purchase order line can have multiple shipments and you can distribute each shipment across multiple accounts. See standard purchase order and planned purchase order
- purchase order receipt
- See receipt
- push transaction
- A material transaction to issue component items from inventory to work in process before you manufacture the assembly.
- quality action
- An action, such as sending electronic mail or putting a job on hold, triggered when an action rule is evaluated and found to be true. For example, if quality results values indicate that a critical measurement for a discrete job assembly is out-of-tolerance, the job is put on hold
- quality data repository
- The database table which stores quality data.
- quality results
- Actual results recorded during quality data collection. These results might include test or inspection outcomes, measurements taken, details of defects, lot attributes, start and stop times for machines and resources.
- quantity accepted
- The number of items you accept after inspection.
- quantity completed
- For an operation on a discrete job or repetitive schedule, the quantity of the assembly that you transacted beyond the Run intraoperation step. For a discrete job or repetitive schedule, the quantity of the assembly that you received into inventory.
- quantity issued
- The quantity of a component item issued from inventory to a discrete job r repetitive schedule to fulfill a WIP material requirement.
- quantity rejected
- The number of items you reject after inspection.
- queue
- An intraoperation step in an operation where assemblies are waiting to be worked on. The default intraoperation step for every operation in a routing.
- receipt
- A shipment from one supplier that can include many items ordered on many purchase orders.
- recipient
- Anyone that receives a mail message as a result of mail message action rule processing.
- reference designator
- An optional identifier you can assign to a component on a bill. For example, when the bill requires four of a component, you can assign four reference designators to that component, one for each usage.
- reference information collection element
- A collection element that represents an Oracle Application object such as an item, lot number, serial number, routing, supplier, and customer. See collection element types
- reject
- An option you use to indicate that you do not want to approve a document. Purchasing returns the document to its owner for modification and resubmission if appropriate.
- repetitive manufacturing
- A manufacturing environment where you build assemblies repetitively, on production lines, rather than in discrete jobs or batches.
- repetitive schedule
- A production order for the manufacture of an assembly on a continuous basis as defined by a daily rate, using specific materials and resources, over a period of time. A repetitive schedule collects the costs of production, but you report those costs by period rather than by schedule. Also known as flow order or scheduled rate.
- repetitive schedule status
- An Oracle Manufacturing function that lets you describe various stages in the life cycle of a repetitive schedule and control activities that you can perform on the schedule.
- resource
- Anything of value, except material and cash, required to manufacture, cost, and schedule products. Resources include people, tools, machines, labor purchased from a supplier, and physical space.
- resource charge
- See resource transaction.
- resource requirement
- A resource and quantity needed to build an assembly on a job or repetitive schedule. Discrete job and repetitive schedule resource requirements are created based on the resource requirements specified on the assembly's routing. Resource transactions fulfill resource requirements.
- resource transaction
- A transaction where you automatically or manually charge resource costs to a discrete job or repetitive schedule.
- return material authorization (RMA)
- Permission for a customer to return items. Receivables allows you to authorize the return of your sales orders as well as sales made by other dealers or suppliers, as long as the items are part of your item master and price list.
- reversing transaction
- A transaction that reverses a previously processed material, move, resource, or overhead transaction.
- revision
- A particular version of an item, bill of material, or routing.
- revision control
- An inventory control option that tracks inventory by item revision and forces you to specify a revision for each material transaction.
- route sheet
- A report that provides full routing, operation, resource, and material requirement details for jobs and repetitive schedules. Typically used to know how, when, where, and who builds an assembly. Also known as traveler.
- routing
- A sequence of manufacturing operations that you perform to manufacture an assembly. A routing consists of an item, a series of operations, an operation sequence, and operation effective dates.
- run
- An intraoperation step where you move assemblies that you are working on at an operation.
- scrap
- An intraoperation step where you move assemblies that cannot be reworked or completed.
- scrap account
- An account that you may use to charge scrap transactions.
- serial number
- A number assigned to each unit of an item and used to track the item.
- serial number control
- A manufacturing technique for enforcing use of serial numbers during a material transaction.
- serialized unit
- The unique combination of a serial number and an inventory item.
- shelf life
- The amount of time an item may be held in inventory before it becomes unusable.
- shop floor status
- An Oracle Manufacturing function that lets you restrict movement of assemblies at an operation and intraoperation step within a discrete job or repetitive schedule.
- short code
- An abbreviated notation of a collection element value.
- specification
- Describes the requirements of a product in Oracle Quality. You can define specifications for the key characteristics of the products you produce.
- specification element
- A collection element copied or assigned to a specification.
- specification limits
- Numeric values used to specify an acceptable range of values for a quality element. Consists of a target value, and upper and lower control limit, and an upper and lower reasonableness limit.
- specification subtype
- A user-defined subclassifcation of the standard specification types: customer, vendor, or an item/item category. For example a customer specification can be assigned a specification subtype that indicates the customer's plant location.
- specification type
- A classification for specifications. Specifications can be specific to a customer, vendor, or an item/item category.
- SQL validation statement
- A statement written in SQL to customize action details.
- SQL script action
- An SQL script invoked by action rule processing in Oracle Quality.
- subassembly
- An assembly used as a component in a higher level assembly.
- subinventory
- Subdivision of an organization, representing either a physical area or a logical grouping of items, such as a storeroom or receiving dock.
- supplier
- Provider of goods or services.
- supplier purchasing hold
- A hold condition you place on a supplier to prevent new purchasing activity on the supplier. You cannot approve purchase orders for suppliers you placed on hold.
- target value
- A number which indicates the desired result of a given quality characteristic. Can also be used to denote the expected average of values for a quality characteristic.
- to move
- An intraoperation step where assemblies can either be completed to a subinventory or wait to be moved to another operation.
- transaction date
- The date you enter and Oracle Manufacturing maintains for any manufacturing transaction. The date must fall within an open accounting period and be greater than the release date for transactions on a discrete job or repetitive schedule.
- transaction interface
- An open interface table through which you can import transactions. See open interface.
- transaction manager
- A concurrent program that controls your manufacturing transactions.
- transaction worker
- An independent concurrent process launched by a transaction manager to validate and process your manufacturing transactions.
- upper and lower specification limits
- Defines a valid range of acceptable values.
- variable collection element
- A collection element that represents numeric measurements. See collection element types.
- vendor
- See supplier.
- WIP move resource
- A resource automatically charged to a discrete job or repetitive schedule by a move transaction. Resources are automatically charged when a forward move occurs, or uncharged when a backward move occurs.
- work in process
- An item in various phases of production in a manufacturing plant. This includes raw material awaiting processing up to final assemblies ready to be received into inventory.
- worker
- An independent concurrent process that executes specific tasks. Programs using workers to break large tasks into smaller ones must coordinate the actions of the workers.