To Create an Item Type
1. If you do not already have a data store open, select New from the File menu to create a new data store to define this new item type. Then define a new item type in the navigator tree by choosing New Item Type from the Edit menu. An Item Type property page appears.
2. Every item type has an all-uppercase internal name, which is a maximum of eight characters long. All Oracle Workflow APIs, SQL scripts, and PL/SQL procedures refer to the internal name when identifying an item type.
Attention: You cannot update the internal name for an item type once it is defined.
Caution: Do not include colons ":" or spaces in your internal name.
3. The translatable Display Name should be longer and more descriptive. You can also supply a description of the item type.
4. If your item type has or will have more than one workflow process associated with it, you may specify a selector function using the syntax <package_name>.<procedure_name>. The selector function is a PL/SQL stored procedure that automatically identifies the specific process definition the Workflow Engine should execute when a workflow is initiated for this item type. You can also extend the selector function to be a general callback function that resets context information each time the Workflow Engine establishes a new database session to execute activities. See: Standard API for an Item Type Selector or Callback Function.
5. Choose Apply to save your changes.
6. Select the Roles tab page to specify the roles that have access to this item type. (This functionality will be supported in a future release.)
8. Choose Apply to save your changes, OK to save your changes and close the property page or Cancel to cancel your changes and close the property page.
9. A secondary branch appears in the navigator tree that represents the item type you just created. You can review or edit the properties of this item type at any time by double-clicking on the item type in the navigator tree or by selecting the item type and choosing Properties from the Edit menu.
See Also
To Copy an Item Type
Using the Edit Button in a Property Page