To Use the Requisition Approval Demonstration Web Page
2. The Approval Hierarchy and Spending Authority table summarizes the contents of the demonstration data model. Following the table are the input fields you can use to submit a requisition.
3. Enter a unique requisition number.
4. Specify a unique requisition description of 80 characters or less.
5. Enter a requisition amount. The amount should be a number without formatting.
6. Use the poplist fields to specify a requisition requestor and process owner. The names on these poplists are limited to the names of the roles in the demonstration data model.
7. Choose submit to initiate the Requisition Approval process and to navigate to the Requisition Approval Demonstration confirmation page.
8. In addition to telling you what roles you should log in as to view the process' notifications, the confirmation page also contains HTML links to other Oracle Workflow web components:
- Workflow Monitor--this link navigates to the Workflow Monitor Notifications List where you can choose View Diagram to display the process diagram for the requisition you submitted in ADMIN mode. See: Workflow Monitor.
- Workflow Home--this link navigates to the Oracle Workflow Home page for your current role, where you can access links to view and respond to the notifications for the process. See: Accessing the Oracle Workflow Home Page.
Attention: Both the Workflow Monitor and Workflow Home links navigate to secured pages, so if you have not yet logged on as a valid role in the current web session, you will be prompted to do so before either page appears. See: Secure the Workflow Database Connection Descriptor.
Attention: To log in as a different user in a web session, you must first exit your current web browser session, then restart the web browser and login again as the other user.
9. Select the Process Timeouts HTML link to have the background engine look for any timed out notifications and execute the next activity expected to run in the case of a time out.
Two messages appear below this link informing you of when a timeout may occur in the process.
10. Select the Create Requisition HTML link if you wish to enter and submit another requisition in the Requisition Approval Demonstration web page.