Accessing the Oracle Workflow Home Page
Use the Oracle Workflow home page to link to all of Oracle Workflow's web-based features. This page centralizes your access to the features so you do not have to remember individual URLs.
To Access the Oracle Workflow Home Page
You can also append an optional message argument (without the square brackets []) where <message> represents any message text that you want to appear on the home page above the bulleted list of HTML links. Note that if the message string is more than one word, you need to enter the string as word1+word2+...+wordn, where the plus sign (+) represents a space.
Attention: This is a secured page, so if you have not yet logged on as valid user in the current web session, you will be prompted to do so before the page appears. See: Secure the Workflow Database Connection Descriptor.
2. The web page appears as follows:

3. Choose the Worklist link to access your list of workflow notifications. This link also provides a count of how many open notifications you have. See: Notification Worklist.
4. Choose the Find Notifications link to access the web page that lets you specify criteria to presort and display a subset of your notification worklist. See: Find Notifications.
5. Choose the Notification Routing Rules link to access the web page for defining automatic notification routing rules. If you are logged in as a role with workflow administrator privileges, you get a Find Notification Routing Rules link that takes you to the web page that locates the routing rules for the role you specify. See: To Define a Rule for Automatic Notification Routing.
6. Choose the Find Processes link to access the web page that lets you query for a list of workflow process instances that match certain search criteria. Once you find a specific process instance, you can view its status details in the Workflow Monitor. See: Using the Find Processes Web Page.