Event Statuses
Oracle Training Administration provides five predefined system statuses for scheduled events (see Figure 1 - 4). These statuses reflect typical stages in the life cycle of an event. They also control the type of student enrollments and resource bookings that you can enter for the event.
For example, you might follow this sequence of steps:
1. Create a new event with the status Planned.
2. Enter enrollments with the status Requested as students express an interest in the event.
3. Update the status of these enrollments to Waitlisted when the students confirm their interest and/or their attendance is approved by management.
4. Update the event status to Normal when you have:
- sufficient Waitlisted enrollments to meet the minimum numbers required to run the event
- when you have booked all the resources required
5. Update the status of the Waitlisted enrollments to Placed. When the number of Placed enrollments equals the maximum number of places defined for the event, Oracle Training Administration is automatically sets the event status to Full.
6. Continue entering Waitlisted enrollments, if appropriate. If a Placed enrollment cancels, you can select an enrollment from the waiting list to fill the place. When you are ready to close the waiting list and prevent any new enrollments, you can update the event status to Closed. Once you Close (or Cancel) an event, you cannot enter enrollments of any kind.
Note: This is just one possible sequence of event statuses. If you prefer, you can create a new event with the status Normal and enter all enrollments as Placed (or Attended) until the event is Full.
Creating Your Own Statuses
You can also create your own user statuses for events. These might give further information about the life cycle of an event (such as Planned - Awaiting Confirmation, and Full - No Cancellations Allowed).
Create user statuses as values for the QuickCode Type EVENT_USER_STATUS.
See Also
Filling All Event Places
Selecting From the Waiting List
Changing the Status of an Event