Booking Resources
You enter resources using the Book Resources window.
When you open the Resource Bookings window, the Search for Event window also opens so that you can select an event for viewing or entering bookings. In the Search for Event window, you can:
- select a folder to view the events found by a predefined query
- choose the Search button to open the Find Events window
- use Query-by-Example to retrieve a list of events in the folder
To book resources for an event:
1. Query the event for which you want to book resources in the Search for Event window.
2. Select this event then switch to the Book Resources window.
3. Check the Use Event check box to book the resources for the event and to display the event information. You can also query any resources already booked for the event.
4. Take one of the following actions:
- book resources automatically
- book resources individually
Booking Resources Automatically
5. Choose the Book Required button to book the required resources automatically. Oracle Training Administration automatically displays the resources in the Resource Bookings window.
Note: If you do not see required resources when you choose the Book Required button (and you expect to), check that the start and end dates for the resource are appropriate for the event. See Checking the Resource Dates..
6. Delete any of the resources you do not require by:
You can then book other resources, or enter further details about the resource, if required.
Booking Resources Individually
7. Choose the Checklist button to view a list of the resources that have been defined as required or useful for the activity.
You can recognise required resources in the checklist as they have the value Y(es) in the Required column.
8. Select any of the resources from the list to book them, and Oracle Training Administration display the resources in the Resource Bookings window.
You can also select a resource type then choose the Availability button to view a further list of resources that are available on the date or dates of the booking, if required. Select any of the resources from the list to book them, and the resources are displayed in the Resource Bookings window.
You can enter further details about the resource, if required.
Booking Resources Manually
9. Select the resource type, resource name and the quantity required.
10. Choose the Availability button to view resources that are available on the date or dates of the booking, if required. Select any of the resources from the list to book them, and the resources are displayed in the Resource Bookings window.
Entering Further Details
11. Enter the status of the resource booking. By default the status of a new booking is Planned. If the status of the event is Normal or Full, you can select the status Confirmed.
12. Enter the dates and times (in the format 14:00 for 2pm) covered by the booking.
13. Enter further details about the resources:
- If the resource is a trainer, you can select the trainer role, such as primary trainer, or onlooker.
- If the resource is a venue, you can check the Primary Venue check box to show that this is the main venue for the event.
14. Enter a free text location and contact in the Delivery region if you need to record where the resource is to be delivered (such as a customer's address for an on-site event).
15. Select a finance header and enter an invoice amount in the Finance region.
If you have not yet created the finance header, choose the Finance Headers button. Create a new Payable header, which must be for the same supplier and the same currency as the resource you are booking.
Calculating the Cost
16. Select each resource in turn to see the quantity and cost per unit of each resource.
This provides you with the relevant information to calculate the overall cost of the event.
See Also
Making Resources Unavailable and Making Provisional or Block Bookings
Managing Resources
Viewing Resources