Creating a Finance Line
Oracle Training Administration automatically creates a finance line for you when you select a finance header when you are performing any of the following tasks:
- enrolling a customer (customer-priced)
- using a prepurchase enrollment agreement
So, you do not need to create a finance line, Oracle Training Administration does it for you!
You can, however, create a finance line manually when you need to.
Changing Amounts
Your system administrator may have used financial security to enable users of a certain responsibility to update and delete the following prices:
If there is no financial security in your enterprise, all users can update and delete prices.
See: How Does Financials Security Work.
To create a finance line:
1. Enter or query the appropriate finance header in the Finance Header window.
2. Choose the Finance Lines button.
5. Choose the New Line button.
Oracle Training Administration displays the
6. Select one of the following to associate with this line:
7. Enter an amount in money or training units.
To create a finance line for user-defined finance line types:
1. Enter or query the appropriate finance header in the Finance Header window.
2. Choose the Finance Lines button.
5. Choose the New Line button.
Oracle Training Administration displays the
6. Select one of the following to associate with this line:
7. Enter an amount in money or training units.
Changing the Transfer Status of a Line
You can update the status of an individual finance line by selecting the line and selecting another status in the Transfer field.
See Also
Moving Finance Lines to a New Header
Cancelling Finance Headers and Lines
Restoring Cancelled Lines and Headers