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When the total available amount of an agreement's funding is insufficient to accrue revenue on all of a project's expenditure items, Oracle Projects accrues as much as possible against the potential revenue. This report alerts you to the amount of additional revenue you could accrue with more funding.
Accrue Thru Date. The report includes only expenditure items dated on or before the Accrue Thru Date you enter.
Project Organization. To report on expenditure items for only one project organization, enter a project organization. Otherwise leave this field blank.
Project Manager. To report on only one project manager's potential revenue, enter the project manager's name. Otherwise leave this option blank.
Project Number. To report on the potential revenue for only one project, enter the project number. Otherwise, leave this option blank.
Include Closed Projects? Enter Yes if you want the report to include the potential revenue of all projects regardless of project status. Enter No if you want to report to exclude the potential revenue for expenditure items of projects with a Closed status.
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