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Client Extensions

Oracle Projects provides flexibility in processing projects. However, many companies have business requirements that are unique to their company. To address these unique requirements, Oracle Projects provides several client extensions which enable you to extend the functionality of the product to implement and automate company-specific business rules. Client extensions allow you to automate these rules within the standard processing flow of Oracle Projects, without having to customize the software.

Table 1 - 99 lists the client extensions and their predefined template procedure files. The template procedure files are stored in the Oracle Projects admin/sql directory.

Client Extension Package Specification File Package Body File
Approval Extension (Oracle Personal Time and Expense System Administrator's Guide) PAXTRT1S.pls PAXTRT1B.pls
AR Transaction Type Extension PAXITRXS.pls PAXITRXB.pls
Automatic Invoice Approve/Release Extension PAXPIACS.pls PAXPIACB.pls
Billing Cycle Extension PAXIBCXS.pls PAXIBCXB.pls
Billing Extensions PAXITMPS.pls PAXITMPB.pls
Budget Calculation Extension PAXBCECS.pls PAXBCECB.pls
Budget Verification Extension PAXBCECS.pls PAXBCECB.pls
Budget Workflow Extension PAWFBCES.pls PAWFBCEB.pls
Burden Cost Accounting Extension PAXCCEBS.pls PAXCCEBB.pls
Cost Accrual Billing Extension PAXICOSS.pls PAXICOSB.pls
Costing Extension PAXCHCES.pls PAXCHCEB.pls
Labor Billing Extension PAXICTMS.pls PAXICTMB.pls
Labor Costing Extension PAXCCECS.pls PAXCCECB.pls
Labor Transaction Extension PAXCCETS.pls PAXCCETB.pls
Overtime Calculation Extension PAXDLCOS.pls PAXDLCOB.pls
Percent Complete Billing Extension PAXPCTS.pls PAXPCTB.pls
Project and Labor Cost Security Extension PAPSECXS.pls PAPSECXB.pls
Project Verification Extension PAXPCECS.pls PAXPCECB.pls
Project Workflow Extension PAWFPCES.pls PAWFPCEB.pls
Routing Extension (Oracle Personal Time and Expense System Administrator's Guide) PAXTRTES.pls PAXTRTEB.pls
Summary-Level Extension (Oracle Personal Time and Expense System Administrator's Guide) PAXTGTCS.pls PAXTGTCB.pls
Time or Expense Entry Extension (Oracle Personal Time and Expense System Administrator's Guide) PAXPTEES.pls PAXPTEEB.pls
Transaction Control Extensions PAXTTCXS.pls PAXTTCXB.pls
Verify Organization Change Extension PAXORCES.pls PAXORCEB.pls

To define company specific rules using client extensions, you design and write these rules using PL/SQL procedures; these procedures are called during specific points in the standard processing flow of Oracle Projects.

These procedures that you write are extensions rather than customizations because they are supported features within the product and are easily upgradable between releases of the product. Customizations are changes made to the base product which are not supported and are not easily upgraded.

Warning: You must not directly insert or update records in any Oracle Applications tables; performing these activities with extensions is not supported by Oracle Corporation. You must use the public, predefined procedures that Oracle Projects provides to insert or update records in Oracle Projects tables.

Attention: You are responsible for the support and upgrade of the logic within the procedures that you write, which may be impacted by changes between releases of the Oracle Applications.

This essay provides you with an overview of the client extensions available in Oracle Projects, along with the common steps in implementing client extensions.

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