Interface Supplier Invoice Adjustment Costs to Payables
This process collects all eligible supplier invoice adjustment costs in Oracle Projects and interfaces them to Oracle Payables. The process determines the liability account for the supplier invoice costs. Once interfaced, these costs await further processing by Oracle Payables before you can post the adjustments to Oracle General Ledger.
The costs that successfully interface are updated with the interface status of Accepted. If any of the costs are rejected during interface to Oracle Payables, then the interface status for these items is set to Rejected.
Process Submission
From the Submit Request window you can submit the PRC:Interface Supplier Invoice Adjustment Costs to Payables process either by itself, or as the 'Distribute and Interface Supplier Invoice Adjustments to AP' option of the PRC: Submit Streamline Processes process. See: Submitting Requests.
Process Parameters
End PA Date. The process interfaces all supplier invoice cost distribution lines with PA dates on or before the date that you enter here. If you leave this parameter blank, the process selects all eligible usage cost distribution lines for interface regardless of the PA date.
Output Reports
Two output reports show you the results of this process:
- The Interface Supplier Invoice Adjustment Report. Lists supplier invoice adjustment items successfully interfaced to Oracle Payables. This report displays the expenditure items that were interfaced to Oracle Payables.
- The Interface Supplier Invoice Adjustments Exception Report. Lists any expenditure items that were rejected during the process. For each supplier invoice item that fails to interface to Oracle Payables, this report lists the rejection reason.