Reviewing Project, Task, and Resource Summary Amounts
You can review project summary amounts to quickly determine the status of your projects. After you review project summary amounts, you can drill down to see the summary amounts for the tasks of a project.
You also can drill down to see the summary amounts for the resources of the project or the selected task. You select the resource list by which you want to view actuals and budgets. By default, you drill down using the drilldown default resource list defined for the project. You can choose to drilldown by other resource lists assigned to the project.
In addition, you can export PSI data into a spreadsheet for further analysis. Choose Action, Export from any of the Project Status windows (Project, Task, or Resource) to export the data into a spreadsheet file. See: Export Oracle Applications User's Guide.
Note: You can customize this folder form to show the Project Status information that you need. See: Customizing the Presentation of Data in a Folder.
Run the Update Project Summary Amounts process for your projects. The Project Status window uses the data that is summarized by this process. If you do not run this process, you will not be able to see any numbers in the Project Status window. See: Updating Project Summary Amounts.
To review project summary amounts:
1. Navigate to the Project Status window.
2. Enter the search criteria to find the project(s) you want to review.
3. Choose the Find button.
You can review summary amounts for the projects that match your criteria in the Project Status window. You can also review summary status information by task or resource.
Oracle Projects displays only the projects with a current budget that is summarized or with summarized actuals and commitments.
This window displays the Current Period as the current reporting period by which Oracle Projects calculates the period-to-date values for projects. See: Maintaining To-Date Amounts.
To review task summary amounts:
- From the Project Status window, select the project you want and then choose the Task Status button to review top tasks and their summarized amounts. Choose the Task button to review details for a selected task.
To drill down to review subtasks, select a top task, and then double-click on the selected task number to review the subtasks that are one level below the top task. Continue this for subsequent task levels.
To review resource summary amounts:
- To review project resources, select a project in the Project Status window and choose the Resource Status button.
To review task resources, select a task in the Task Status window, and then choose either the drilldown indicator or the Resource Status button.
Oracle Projects displays the resource groups and resources in the resource list that are budgeted or have summarized actuals or commitments.
To review resources below a resource group, select a resource group, and then double-click on the resource name.
To view actuals and commitments using a different resource list:
- Choose a different resource list that is assigned to the project from the Resource Drilldown List menu item on the Special Menu.
See Also
Project Summary Amounts
Resources and Resource Lists
Resource List Assignments
Summarizing Actuals and Commitments by Resource